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Everything posted by BobG

  1. I'll have to try that. I like to use medium CA when planking but it doesn't give much time to adjust. If the combination of yellow glue and thin CA gives you about a minute to make adjustments that would be pretty good. Thanks for the tip!
  2. If I remember correctly, I made a card stock template of the area to be planked kind of by trial and error until it fit rather well and then used that to trace where the notches should be on the floorboards.Then I used a sharp #11 blade to cut the notches and some small files to clean up cuts and tweak the fit while checking the fit frequently as i went along. Remember to make a bevel in the notches where the floorboards meet the frames also.
  3. I'm really glad to see these thimbles! I've had a heck of a time making them.
  4. Pretty darn clever if you ask me, Tim...uh...VTHokiEE... 🤣
  5. Great, Ron! I'm looking forward to learning a lot from your wonderful modeling skills!
  6. I used Vallejo Model Air Red and hand brushed it. It's is designed for airbrushes but it works fine brushing it on by hand also. It's more of a satin finish...not gloss but not entirely flat either. I thinned it quite a bit with water and applied many, successive coats until I got good coverage. You get a nice finish this way as you slowly build up the number of coats. I've been very happy with Vallejo paints but, it seems like, everyone has their own favorite brands. The key is to use thinned paint and build up the layers until you have a nice, deep finish. This is especially true with red since it goes on rather transparent until you build up the layers. Using thinned paints also helps prevent brush strokes in the finish.
  7. I would love to see you build this cross section, Glenn. You'd do a fantastic job on it.
  8. I've never known how to pronounce VTHiokEE correctly and haven't figured out what it means either. So from now on it's Tim for me! 🤣
  9. Are there any other significant differences between the Erycina and the Nisha other than the overall size?
  10. All the black portions the mast, gaff, boom and bowsprit should be painted flat black. I did put a coat of satin WOP on all of them before I painted the black portions but I did not put any WOP over the painted surfaces.
  11. Outstanding painting, Ron! Thanks for letting us know about some of your techniques. I would have never had a clue about how to achieve the results you have described. Thanks!
  12. You'd do a superb job on the Cheerful, Don, especially after seeing the work you are doing on the Winnie.
  13. This looks like it will be a very interesting project so I'll pull up a chair and follow along. Good luck, Tom!
  14. I too would love to do a scratch build someday but, like you, I would have no idea of what I was getting into or any advice to offer either! So I'll be very content to follow along on your bold adventure and wish you the best of luck!
  15. Beautiful work as always, Amalio! I like those c-clamps that you are using. Can you tell me who makes them and where you got them?
  16. Simply a beautiful work love, labor and art. Congratulations, Tom, all the accolades and awards you have received are most deserved.
  17. Another fine model rescued! It looks like the previous builder got a nice start on her. It’s very kind of you to finish this one for his wife. Good luck, Mike. I’m sure your do this project proud.
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