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Everything posted by BobG

  1. Very nice work, Cisco! Making those curved sanding sticks is a great idea too.
  2. Beautiful workspace, Glenn. No way could I ever be that tidy and organized...much to my wife's chagrin! I'm really looking forward to watching you build this big beauty.
  3. Nice job with the silver soldering! Where did you buy your supplies?
  4. Yes, we haven't seen you around the forum lately, David. I hope all is well and we'll see you posting soon!
  5. Glenn, even though fishing vessels don't seem to be your cup of tea, you could consider adding one of these models to your queue as a small side project while you are working on the Winnie. A little variety and change of scenery might add to the fun...
  6. I was looking at my Medway Longboat today and I couldn't remember how I did several things on it. Oh well, it looks like I may not be the only one this happens to!
  7. Absolutely gorgeous, Glenn! I'd love to see you continue with the rigging but I'm will be excited to watch you build the Winnie too. Please don't leave the Flirt on the shelf too long, I'm sure I'll need all the help I can get when I build mine!
  8. These are wonderful additions to the Vanguard line of models! It's so nice to see some new models of these types of hard working vessels. They are too often overlooked in favor of the more elaborate and popular warships. Keep'em coming!
  9. What kind of dyes do you use, Clare, and how do you do it?
  10. I'm glad to see that you are still working on this wonderful model. I love the colors of the hull that you chose. She's going to be a beautiful model when you're finished!
  11. I watched a video about working with photo etch and the reviewer used the Tamiya Diamond file to clean up the photo etch after cutting it out and he recommended it. I don't have any diamond files since I'm working with wood 90% of the time. Anyone using diamond files? https://www.amazon.com/Tamiya-Diamond-Photo-Etched-Parts/dp/B000E7ONQQ/ref=pd_ybh_a_4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=6A0MX74A51P7BF0HQXMR
  12. I have found that this is not only true in ship modeling but it's also true in life in general. She's coming along nicely, Mark, and my guess is that she'll be pretty darn good once you're finished. 👍
  13. That looks like a good photo etch bender. I'm going to order one. I noticed they also have Photo Etch Cut Off Sets for cutting out the photo etch parts. Do either of you use anything like this or do you just use some sharp, photo etch cutting pliers?
  14. Glad to see you will continue this build on a new build log. Good luck!
  15. Looking good, Grant. This is a challenging project!
  16. I'm curious about the differences are between the Antscherl method of planking and Chuck's method of planking? The two methods appear to be similar in lining off the hull but have differences when it comes to shaping and bending the plank. I'm far from being all that knowledgeable about planking but it seems that the Antscherl method has you spile every plank as necessary without any edge bending whereas Chuck's method uses heat to edge bend as necessary. Do you know if this is correct when comparing the two methods?
  17. Gosh, George, it's a bummer that those metal parts are are such a mess. Unfortunately, that's not uncommon with far too many kits especially the older ones that have been around a while and haven't been updated. You're doing such a nice job on everything else so I hope you'll find a solution that's acceptable to you. Good luck!
  18. Nice start, Daniel! I'm looking forward to following along as you build her.
  19. Thanks for your step-by-step explanation about your planking process, BE. I may actually learn how to properly plank a hull by continuing to read build logs like yours and Glenn and Chuck. Of course, it's one thing to read about it and another to actually do it well!
  20. The Le Martegau is a beautiful ship with lovely lines. I look forward to following along as you build her.
  21. I think you made the right choice regarding the rigging thread mix up, Hake. I would have done the same thing. Nobody but you will notice the difference. What will your next project be?
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