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Everything posted by BobG

  1. Great news, Mark. All the best on your road to recovery and good health!
  2. Very nice! Chris continues to make innovative advances in ship modeling so that more modelers can be successful and enjoy the hobby more easily at the level they choose.
  3. Glad to see that you're still making progress on this wonderful model, Jeff. It's a lovely model! I know the feeling of "hitting the wall" on a build. I've currently done just that as well on my Pen Duick build. The rigging instructions are all but useless and I've been having difficulty getting motivated to continue to struggle through it.
  4. Wonderful, precise work, Glenn, and, of course, your build log is informative and a pleasure to read.
  5. Well, I'd be quite happy if I had built those models. As the old saying goes: "One man's rubbish is another man's treasure! I do, however, fully understand feeling off nearly "launching a model against the wall" or, at the very least, giving it a Viking funeral!
  6. Your models are absolutely stunning! Congratulations!
  7. Thank you, Gaetan! I'll enjoy reading over your build logs. I'm sure I'll be impressed and learn a ton as well!
  8. Fantastic model. Well done! You should post some photos in the Gallery if you haven't already done so. It's such a beautiful model.
  9. I wish the USA would convert to metric but I doubt it will ever happen and, most certainly at my age, I'll never see it. So, I guess it won't matter much in the end since we'll all end up 6 feet or 1.8288 meters under!
  10. Amazing! I'd love to see some photos of those huge models you have built, Gaetan. Could you post a few photos of them?
  11. Maybe try a little test area first to make sure it works and doesn't stain or cause you other problems.
  12. Nice job, Rich. With a little bit of filler and some careful sanding she'll be ready for some paint. It's always exciting to get to this point.
  13. Hi Harry, I have used CA debonder but I believe that acetone and nail polish remover work also. Good luck!
  14. This is a wonderful looking model, Will. I love these fishing vessels and I'll be following along on your build with great interest. Good luck!
  15. I just read through your log, David. Great job so far on this impressive model! How has your experience been with Caldercraft compared to Amati and Vanguard?
  16. I love these working vessels. Looking forward to following your build. Good luck!
  17. Floyd, I got liver of sulphur on Amazon. Here's a link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004PLZ4SS?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-ypp-rep_ypp_rep_k0_1_10&crid=1K34ZJ9IDH5N6&sprefix=liver+of+s
  18. Well then, in that case, I'd say that many of us have a lot of models with plenty of character!
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