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Everything posted by BobG

  1. Superb work, Sjors! I think this model may end up being the flagship of your impressive fleet!
  2. Thanks for stopping by, Tom. I'm looking forward to working in the my shipyard again. I've really enjoyed getting back into playing my guitars also. My cycling took a bit of hiatus recently though. I took nasty crash over the bars on a downhill curve when I hit some rough pavement really hard and the front tire pinch flatted. It's taken nearly 10 weeks for my ribs to heal to the point that they don't bother me too much so I'm back riding again too. We were at the Giants game today and we lost to the Padres so we're only one game ahead of the Dodgers now. It's a furious race in the NL West with our arch rival. We're going to the game with the Braves on Sunday so we hope to see them play better. You're doing a wonderful job on your Constitution cross section.
  3. These smaller models are a welcome addition to the Vanguard line. I've always admired the realism that a very good diorama can add to the display of a model and I would like to try and make a diorama someday. One of these working fishing boats could be a really good choice for a heavily weathered model set in a rugged, North Sea diorama.
  4. Gorgeous, Glenn, no other way to describe it! I'm loving the warm look of the boxwood with a few coats of WOP on it. I think it's going to be a tough decision to paint a large portion of the hull white since your planking is so beautiful. I've been vacillating between starting to build the Flirt or wait a bit and get the Sphinx. My decision has now been made and I will be starting the Flirt when we get home from our week in San Francisco celebrating my 75th birthday and visiting our son. So I'll be swimming along in your wake pretty soon!
  5. Having these beveling lined included is so helpful as it takes away a lot of the uncertainty of roughly beveling the bulkheads and the bearding line off the model before the final fairing. Is there any particular reason that these lines are not included in the larger Vanguard models like the Flirt and the Sphinx? Also, what are the overall dimensions of these wonderful models?
  6. Tom, my wife and I visited the Constitution two years ago. I've got a bunch of photos of her and quite a few below decks. I'd be glad to check my photos to see if I have anything particular you are looking for.
  7. She looks great, Sjors, and I can't believe how quickly you are making progress! At this rate, you'll be done by Christmas!
  8. This is exactly how I would do it also. Just be careful to use only a tiny bit of CA so that you don't get glue squeezing out onto the deck. Have a small cloth on hand with a dab of acetone on it so you can quickly and carefully wipe off any excess CA.
  9. A beautiful model like that deserves a nice case! Congratulations.
  10. Magnificent!! What's next, mati?
  11. Great to see you've chosen the Winnie as your next build, Glenn. Your Cheerful model is magnificent so there's no doubt that you'll build a stunning Winnie. I might follow in your footsteps. I've decided to go ahead with the Flirt. It will give me a chance to practice planking using the method of lining off the hull. I'm also ready to buy a Byrnes saw and disk sander and I'll take some time to learn to use the saw safely. After that, the Winnie could be my next choice. I'ver been admiring it for a couple of years.
  12. Stunningly beautiful, Ben! Looks like perfection to me! How did you secure the thread when you lined off the hull? Did you use a tiny dab of white glue or CA on each bulkhead? Did you find that the 1/64 graphic tape was a better option?
  13. Amazing work, BE. I'm sure your build log will become the "go to log for bashing this kit." It's how you are opening things up so that the interior of the model can be viewed.
  14. Thanks for letting us know about this bending machine. I've never seen one of these before. Do you simply put the wood piece through the machine dry without using any heat or moisture? Also, are you able to get the wood to bend in two directions when needed? For example, when a plank needs to be edge bent so that it will curve around and upwards at the same time at the bow?
  15. Excellent explanation of the method of planking that you used, Derek. I've read about using proportional dividers in planking but didn't really understand it but I pretty sure I get it now. Thanks for taking the time to thoroughly explain it.
  16. I think the Rattlesnake is a very interesting and beautiful ship. I look forward to following your build. It's a bit distressing that you ran into poorly cut parts right at the start and had to make so many corrections to the bulkheads and the false keel. It's too bad that the Britannia parts are of such poor quality also. You might want to let Model Shipways know about the problems you have encountered. It's apparent that they need to update their molds for the metal parts and fix the laser cutting errors too. Good job at correcting these problems though!
  17. Eric, I'm so sorry to hear that your home suffered flooding damage from Ida. What a mess! We have several friends whose homes were threatened by the Caldor fire near South Lake Tahoe but, fortunately, were saved by the Cal Fire firefighters. Sadly, many of their neighbors were not so fortunate. Climate change is driving and magnifying these weather related disasters and time is running out for the world's nations to make the changes necessary to slow it down. Heaven help us all... I hope the clean up and drying out goes well and that no more devastating storms come your way. Stay safe.
  18. I love how you are making all of these modifications so that many of the internal areas of the ship can be seen and keeping things to scale and authentically accurate at the same time. Amazing work, BE! Are you considering adding any supplemental, internal, LED lighting?
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