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Posts posted by KeithAug

  1. 2 hours ago, wefalck said:

    I didn’t want to go insane over making such microscopic studded chains)


    Eberhard, When i looked at the picture i wondered if you had made the chain - i thought you had perhaps gone mad and was somewhat relived to hear you had bought it. Thanks for the suppliers details - added to my tools and materials list.

  2. Thank you Keith, Gary, Pat, Steve, Veszett, Maker, Andy and Michael and than you everyone for the visits and likes.


    I haven't made a lot of progress in the last week, house guests took their toll and I spent some time fitting a DRO to the mill.


    I did a bit of turning to make the stern light. 






    I then made the flagstaff from a bit of mahogany dowel with brass fittings.






    I have decided however that it looks a bit heavy so I will thin it down a bit.


    The stern rails have 2 life rings attached. These are of the larger type - 30" external diameter (.83" at scale size).


    I glued 2 pieces of .040" plasticard together, drilled the central hole and then turned and shaped the outside diameter.




    I needed to shape the inside diameter so I machined out a bore in a piece of wood and pressed the rings into it. I then shaped the bore.




    With the rings still in the wooden jig it was mounted in the mill and the notches were cut out and drilled to take the grab rope.




    Not much progress but the guests have now gone so things should improve.




  3. Thank you Eberhard, Druxey and Richard for commenting - also thanks to everyone for the likes.


    Most of the last week I have been working on the fore to aft rigging but I did start by fixing the radar (thank you Eberhard) - before and after shots below:-






    I also needed a number of medium sized bocks for the running back stays (2 pairs), so I spent a day making a few.






    I also made a few strops which I then realised were not needed - but never mind they will be needed later.




    It find it is almost impossible to take good photos of overall rigging so I just took photos of specific areas.


    Getting the tension correct in all stays is a bit of a trial but in the end I managed it - the next photo shows the flying jib stay tensioner.




    The jib and flying jib stays were also mounted at this stage.




    The top of the jib and fore stays are shown in the next photographs.




    I then moved to the stern and installed the pair of running back stays for the lower main mast. The photo shows the top attachment.




    Followed by the bottom - both are tight at this stage but the leeward side will be slackened off later.




    Then the main topmast running back stays were rigged.




    I then rigged the brace for the main mast. (It braces the top to the bottom via the dome (satellite coms?) bracket.




    The stays joining the fore and main masts were then rigged.




    I have a few more deck fittings to make, life rings, stern light, and flag staff. I will have a go at these next.






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