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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Your chain is dead on and my prayers go to your admiral and your mother as echoed you have friends here to lean on. David B
  2. Beautiful Greg I can imagine what the planking will look like. What are you going to use? David B
  3. To make things easier make up a building board. This will help you tremendously down the road. The PDF should explain some of this. David B BUILDING BOARDS.pdf
  4. I just went through your log Ken what can I say but FANTASTIC!!! It is a must see for anyone doing this model. You are doing a great job and your techniques are first rate. I am learning alot jut by observing. I am also a little envious as well. Remember to have fun and enjoy yourself. David B
  5. All I can do is echo the rest of them WOW. One of these days I hope to do something like what you are doing now. David B
  6. I would like to take it out on the lake after you rig it if I could fit in it. Nicely done your finish is spot on. David B
  7. You are getting there. The hull is starting to take shape a little at a time. Davi B
  8. My advice would be to forget the templates and make your own from the plans. This entails some work and can give you a headache but is worth it down the road. David B
  9. Call ME and ask them for another copy I have not seen your plans but if you see a double line along the keel the plans should be drawn to the rabbet. Glue the frames to a piece of styrene or aluminum siding and make sure they are square. Good luck. David B
  10. A novel way to do a mouse well done. Your thinking outside the box is outstanding. Well done your way is a keeper. David B
  11. Lee all I can say has been said wonderful craftsmanship and a beautiful model. David B
  12. At work several years ago they were cleaning up one of the walls and bought some muriatic acid to help. We leased the building so we had to clean it. And one of the workers emptied it into a pail and then started filling with water. The result was not pleasant. He was lucky he was wearing a longsleeved shirt and goggles. That saved his eyesight and the shirt saved him from getting splattered. Needless to say it scared all of us especially him. We no longer carry or use the stuff out of safety concerns. But acid into water is the smart way and safe way. David B
  13. What can I say but a great model within a great model with in a great model etc. David B
  14. Your loops look great. Very neat and tidy. David B
  15. You are going further than I would have. My carving skills leave much to be desired. To me it is an arcane art worthy of awe. David B
  16. A member of one of the clubs I belong to gave a demonstration on resin casting a couple of years ago. He said the first attempts will leave something to be desired but as one gets into it they learn how to make it so everything goes right. And you are going in the right direction well done. David B
  17. Using a level is overkill I think because of what was discussed above. And I have never glued in a mast. Using shrouds to hold it in. This is in case of an accident. David B
  18. Happy to have you back along with your build. I hope you are feeling well. David B
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