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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I try to avoid using flash when possible. You can adjust for the light you are shooting but it could change the color a little. I try to make sure I have alot of light. Your skylight is great. You are really doing a swell job with that photoetch. David B
  2. At work we did not have clamps big enough for a pad that we were putting up so we put in between two pieces of dieboard maple and and put a forklift on top of for the night that did the job. Kudos for your ingenuity. David B
  3. I gave a hands on demo at one of my clubs on silver soldering. How to do it using equipment that is easy and reasonably priced. I used one of those pistol grip Berzomatic torches using a butane cartridge. And for the work it did the job nicely. However I use the medium liver solder most of the time. Make sue the parts are perfectly clean and oil free. remove the finish and covering with sandpaper or a file. make sure the joint is perfect and apply flux to the joint. Start the torch and ease it onto the joint when the solder melts remove it. The secret is enough heat to almost melt the brass and not the solder. If you hold it too long the brass will melt as well. Practice makes perfect. I was able to help him but joint two pieces of wire together and solder a tubes together. It was a crude joint but he was thrilled and with practice he was able to continue with his model. He is always thanking me for showing how the job was done. Practice and experiment that is the rule when learning a new skill. Write down what you did and keep track this way you know what will work and what will not. David B
  4. Latham is a different animal the the Morgan. Since I was scratch building it I did not use the kit. I found Chapelle one of the most important sources in my library. Before started I read the book to get an idea of what I was getting into. I possible you could contact Eric Ronnberg the acknowledged expert a question or two. The hull itself is beautiful and could be used as a yacht if you wanted to go that route. However there will be a lot of metalworking for the rigging. As a result I was able to hone my skills by working in brass. Since I am back in Chicago I can post a few photos of what I did so far so you can visualize the hull itself. But I have a year of cleaning on it because when I moved in with my sister I was in no condition to think ahead nd put a dust cover over it. I wonder if Simple Green will do a nice job of removing and cleaning without removing any paint. I am suffering cotton mouth so the spit with qtip will not work to good. I will probably hook up my air and blow off the excess first. Will Simple Green do the job safely? David B
  5. For finger planes you cannot beat Lee Valley I have some of there planes and think hey were worth every penny. David B
  6. Use a smaller drill and see if you can put a piece of would behind it to help prevent tear out. By using a smaller hole you can use a needle file to enlarge the hole. David B
  7. I use a Smith's Little Torch which is a jewelers torch. Bought it at the NRG conference in Chicago from SEP Tools. David B
  8. A club member had a couple of these boats and he used a Dremel on inside. A little at a time then used sanding sticks to finish. David B
  9. Lee I admire your patience and tenacity. To do the things you do with just hand tools is inspiring to those who do not have the room or the funds to equip themselves. David B
  10. Beautiful I am learning something new every time I look in. Your craftsmanship is flawless. I would love to see that model up close but would probably drool over it so I will admire from a distance. How would your acrylic work with an airbrush or is it best with a brush by hand? David B
  11. What kind of brush did you work with Nenad. My hands are to clumsy to do that kind of work. Bravo. I bet you had a cold one when done to settle your nerves. I know that I would need one.
  12. Blackening brass is always a bit of trouble but worth it. Paint can hide small details. David B
  13. Museum Quality is a joke. I remember what a curator said when I was in Toronto years ago. They are looking for accuracy and something that relates to what they are doing. Your Fair America is perfect as far as I can see. You did a fine job. Makes me want to do one myself. David B
  14. Every time I look at your build I am amazed at the amount of advanced planning you have to do to get it right. David B
  15. Putting it in a diorama you would swear it was the real thing. David B
  16. If you decide to put down some planking just on or two strakes should be enough I thi that would accentuate the model and show off your workmanship. Well done. David B
  17. Reminds me of several years ago I was working in retail and was making a night deposit at the bank. The guy was obliviously drunk or on something. Anyway he tore my new suit and I flipped and tried to put him through a brick wall. I then got out of there before the cops got there. I am to damn old for those things and too stupid to no any better. Glad you came out okay. Chicago has it's share of losers as well. I am happy that you are doing well. David B
  18. When I get better I might be able to get to that museum with my camera. I hope to see you this year as well. the lord willing. David B
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