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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Toni, when ever I had the pleasure of seeing your work is gives me inspiration to try and up my own skills. David B
  2. Glenn, copying someone's method is considered a compliment. Wonderful job with the CNC.work. I tried something like that once with my Fordham and drill press attachment. After free handing the part I it was just okay. Your method really did the trick. David B
  3. Wonderful job of coppering. I built a model of the America years ago and I liked the look of the wood for the hull that I did not copper it. After seeing your job I should have coppered my hull. David B
  4. Bob, I wish I could attend a meeting and get some great and close phots of your Longboat. I have learned a lot from watchig you build her. and envy the way you can get it so clean and neat. David B
  5. When Modeler Bruce Hoof made his bone model he used the femurs from steers. After boiling and prepping them the model ;looked great. Dvid B
  6. This looks like it will be fun. Mind if I pull up a chair? David B
  7. If there is no stress CA will work. But the stuff has no sheer strength. I have experimented with JB Weld before and found it will work at times. But I will usually go with epoxy because it is the best stuff to use. Just mix what you need. David B
  8. I was able to read Chucks practicum and he said that the cockpit was originally a fot below the dexk. The reason he does not do it is beausr of the dificulty of getting it done nice and neat. David B
  9. The last time I was able to attend a club meeting the 4 vol set of the French 74s came in for auction. But I do not have the room or the facilities so had to turn them down. I chatted with the member who bought them and he said He would work out a deal with me once I get things back to normal. They are excellent books. David B
  10. If possible you could probably get the graitings from Syren or make your own if you have a small tablesaw like a Preac or Byrnes Saw. David B
  11. Glenn, I might have missed it but are you going to paint the paddlewheels. Or are you going for all natruralle? David B
  12. Awesome. A great looking build Nils. But the only problem is the size. Once encased you will have problems find a nice place for it. David B
  13. Cathead we have modelers come all the way from New Jersey and Colo. I think Missouri would be a straight shot. Just avoid going though Chicago. I think you would have a blast and a nice road trip. David B
  14. Nice clean and neat. I have always had problems with getting my joinery like that. Wonderful workmanship David B
  15. I have never heard of this kit/series before. Should prove to be an interesting build. Question why did you smooth the hul of your launch instead of plaking it? At the scale you are woking in I think it would have added a little life and character. David B
  16. I think maple will be perfect for the frames. and beech for the planking. It is not that pricey and easy to work with. Plus it resembles oak at the smaller scales. David B
  17. I drooled over that boat for quite awhile Kurt. I thought is was great. David B
  18. What I never liked is one an endmill dulls out it is not easy to properly sharpen it wihout sending it out. At work we alway used carbide when we could get it and the guys in charge cried about the cost. But the stuf we worked with would dull a bit very fast. They finally gave in when the material started smoking and stinking up the entire shop. Polyethelene and HSSS steel do not play nice with each other. David B
  19. Congratulations and now time to break out that bottle of aged scotch and give her a toast. Beautiful workmanship. David B
  20. May God go with you and your loved one Steve. There are many here who can relate and feel the pain and heartache you have endured for so long and wish that things could be better. I think your Shenandoah will look great fully rigged. David B
  21. I bought this version and someday hope to build it. A great read and excellent plans, of which there are several. drawn at a scale of 1/48. Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Vanwell Publishing Ltd. (April 12, 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 1551250667 ISBN-13: 978-1551250663 Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 10.7 x 2.1 inches It will make a great long term project. David B
  22. I would make up several test pieces and compare them. As for paint depending on how you do it you can hide the planking or a thin layer and accentuate it. Will you use enamels or acrylics? David B
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