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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Pygothian, You can order timber (including Swiss Pear) from Hobbymill in the US (link on the MSW home page). Send an email to Jeff Hayes and he will sort you out - milled to your exact requirements. He provides quality timber, beautifully milled, and at a very reasonable cost. No connection, just one of many very satisfied customers. Now, about those power tools.......... Robert, Sorry to hijack your log. Your gun carriages look superb - well done!
  2. Hi Robbyn, I agree with Jay - give the 5min epoxy a try. I react to CA as well, but I'm okay with the epoxy.
  3. If making lots of blocks is progress, then I guess I've made some progress! I know it's getting repetitive, but you know who will be demanding pictures as usual, so here's today's efforts: 433 x 3mm single blocks and 112 x 3mm double blocks. There's a few you can spot in the photo that won't make the final QC cut, but the reject rate is actually pretty low. One of these days I'll get to start attaching these to the ship!
  4. Thanks Gil, it's great to see you back on the forum again. Looking forward to seeing more progress on your own log shortly.
  5. Sounds like a great day Mick. I also have the OcCre Stephenson's Rocket tucked away. It's a very nice looking little model - I'm sure you will enjoy it.
  6. Welcome home Gil. I hope you had a wonderful trip and I look forward, along with many others, to the resumption of your wonderful build.
  7. Sorry to hear of your misfortune Bob. I had a similar experience with a house move some years ago. The rigging on my Cutty Sark was damaged to the extent of having to be completely torn off and re-done, while my Victory hull (at that stage with first layer of planking completed) was completely destroyed and had to be-built from scratch. (Yes, that's the same model I'm still working on, some 15 years later.......). Hope your repairs take a little less time Bob, and that your daughter truly appreciates the gift you are giving her.
  8. I think if the heads door is left any further ajar, we may well see a full moon! (yep, 12).
  9. Congratulations on the promotion Commodore Andy. Don't too used to sitting with Augie though - looks like he's getting ready to move over to the Admiral's table with SeeYours!!!
  10. Funny you should mention that Augie............. A colleague at work lives on a small farm-type property and is starting to clear some trees. Knowing of my particular interests he brought in some samples of what we believe to be Quince. I've yet to try milling it, but apparently "there's plenty more where that came from"!!!!!
  11. Thanks Lawrence for the kind words. Yes, I'm using the method described by Chuck - using the Byrnes table saw to prepare the stock blanks and score the grooves, the Sherline mill to create the rounded profiles, the Proxxon drill press to drill the holes, and the Sherline lathe to drive my home made sanding tumbler (based on a design by fellow modeller Janos) for final finishing. As you can see, not an original idea in sight! But that's the beauty of this forum isn't it?
  12. Very nice Augie. I certainly know the feeling of "Now how did I do that last time? No, not that last time, the last time that actually worked!"
  13. You sure all that wind wasn't just all the hot air from your log Sjors? Glad to hear you are all safe and dry mate.
  14. Thanks John, I'm getting faster. That time included preparing all the blanks from sheet stock, so I'm pretty happy with the afternoon's work. Of course, if I had Chuck's son working with me, I'm sure I could up the output rate!.............. Oh for a young and willing apprentice, prepared to work for slave labour rates!
  15. Very nicely said Remco. And to echo others comments, your build log continues to be an inspiration to many of us here.
  16. Now you're just messing with my head Alexandru! Superbly done and wonderfully illustrated.
  17. Mobbsie, You need to clear out you PM mailbox mate - it won't let me send you anymore!
  18. Thanks Bob, Judging by the standard of your work that I've seen here, I'm sure you could turn out some pretty nice blocks yourself.......if you chose to (and I have to admit, it does get a little tedious.........) Well, not much time in the shipyard this weekend, after a killer week at work, so just ran up a batch of 5mm single and double blocks this afternoon. I used the basic dimensions that Chuck gives for 3/16" blocks and just made them a tad longer (5mm vs 4.76mm). Here's the result of about 5 hours work (70 doubles and 186 singles): I know the photos start to look all the same, but if don't put it up here, SeeYours will be on my case quicker that a rat up a drain pipe!
  19. Thanks Patrick, Your own build is looking mighty fine too.
  20. She looks great Patrick. I read somewhere that the black/yellow bands don't follow the line of the gunports exactly, but hey, it's your ship so you get to decide (particularly noting the lack of instructions).
  21. Thanks John for the kind words. Nice to see you back. I look forward to catching an update on your own build.
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