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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. Good choice. Lots of sanding next. I was able to use my rotary tool for some of the sanding, especially at the bow and stern. You would need to be careful though. I hit this part in several sessions. It’s tedious, but very important. All the remaining work rests on these frames, which need to be very thin. Steve
  2. Thank you. It is a beautiful machine. I’m not looking forward to gluing with CA, but it must be done. The cherry wood is very nice and perfect for this. I’m looking forward to clearing this little project off the work space and starting the Mayflower. Steve
  3. Partial assembly of the machine. The gears are not glued to the brass tubes. I suggest test fitting the gears and rotating them before you glue to make sure they rotate freely. Two of my gears were just a bit off when I glued them and this caused them to not rotate freely. Parts are laser cut precisely. Chuck is mailing me some new ones. Before assembly, a third sanding and coat of Wipe-on-Poly was applied. A very smooth finish was the result. Steve
  4. A very precise build so far! Steve
  5. If you’re not loving how dark the stain is you can sand it. That will lighten the color. Steve
  6. Sanding the char from cherry wood is tedious and time consuming. One tip I can share is not to sand the char from sides that will be glued and unseen. One is likely to sand pieces out of square. Sanding was done with 220 grit progressing to 400 grit. A test fit of the brass tubes reveals that the holes need to be sanded slightly so the tubes can spin freely. Two coats of wipe-on-poly applied with a fine sanding between coats. The below photo shows the work at this point. Steve
  7. This marks the start of my build of the Model Shipways Mayflower kit, designed by Chuck Passaro. This is the last kit in my possession to build. I've been following the Medway Longboat (1742) project with interest, but I will need to hold off on that project for future. Mayflower will be my third project and first actual ship build. Kit supplied wood will be used for the first layer of planking. I will be using cherry for any wood that will be left unpainted. Deck planking will be maple or cherry. I have yet to decide. Below the whales will be panted tallow. Modifications to the color scheme will be addressed as we are further along. Those of you who have followed my other projects know that I work slowly. I anticipate this project will take much longer than the previous ones. My goal is to attain a quality representation of the Mayflower. I received the Syren Serv-o-Matic serving machine at the end of my Pinnace project and have been sanding the char from the parts. I will be treating the wood with several coats of Wipe-on-Poly before assembling all parts. I will include photos in my next post. Included in this post are photos of Chuck's prototype of the Mayflower. Steve
  8. Minwax natural stain creates a nice look. A little darker than just applying wipe-on-poly. Use pre-stain first. Check my longboat log for the results. Steve
  9. You can easily post and upload from your phone if you wish. It works well. Steve
  10. You should use the funds to purchase Chuck’s Medway longboat. Better quality all around. Steve
  11. Rob, I know you have a lot of projects going, but I’m looking forward to seeing this one completed. So- keep the momentum! Steve
  12. Looking forward to following your project. Steve
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