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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. 10 or 11 streaks- doesn’t matter as long as they are in proportion. However, I would rip off those two garboard streaks and redo them. It will cause problems when you start laying out the remaining planks. You’ll see when you start trying to match that curve. This log will help: Steve
  2. Start your build log so we can properly guide you. Steve
  3. That looks good. From the photo it looks like the garboard has a very sharp curve. It should be more gradual so the next streak does not need to be bent so severely. Steve
  4. I can’t wait to see how all this modeling content pans out in the next volume! Excellent work. Steve
  5. Ed’s research, hard work, and execution are well worth the price of his books. Steve
  6. Looks good so far. Nice to follow something different. Steve
  7. You could start selling these. They look very well done. Steve
  8. The deck looks really good. I agree with you on not staining any further. Steve
  9. Happy to follow along. I'll be starting this one soon. Steve
  10. It would be nice to see another YA build log! Great work. Steve
  11. Ed, you are doing an extraordinary job! Volume 3 is much anticipated for all of us following this amazing project. Steve
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