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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. Shaping and installing the risers was a tricky task. I matched the curve of the third strake down from the shear fairly close. More time was spent creating a symmetrical pair. Now I can add some paint and begin some small structural modifications. I'm inspired by the below example provided by Chuck to our fellow member in his build. Shown below. Steve
  2. I do very little at a time. I think sometimes it helps the quality. This plank bending takes time and is frustrating on these small boats. If you do Chuck's Pinnace kit, you get to do inboard planking too. Steve
  3. I agree with Per. Seems awfully expensive for the case. Regarding the photos- try placing it near a window with daylight. No flash. Don't shoot the photo towards the daylight though. Steve
  4. Looks good. Don't forget to line the first couple frames and the last couple. Steve
  5. Add another "wow" to the log. Steve
  6. Looks like a nice kit. I'd like to join the fun. Steve
  7. I love your work philosophy. Good choice to rip out and redo. I actually planked mine twice. First time I ruined it with treenailing and model expo sent me replacement parts so I could do it all again. :-) It's a painful decision to redo something but it's always worth it in the end. Steve
  8. The aft platform was fairly simple to craft. Edge-glued after using a #2 pencil to simulate the caulking. After I was satisfied with the shape of my template I traced it onto my maple strips. Straight cuts were made with several passes of an exact knife for the general shape. The rotory tool with sanding disk got the wood close to the outline so I could fine sand the rest. Since the strips were edge-glued, there was a slight bend. I braced the back with a single strip of wood. One more sanding and coat of finish is needed before it is glued. Steve
  9. You are correct. Model Expo changed the instructions regarding the thwart dimensions. Plans were the way to go. Nice work. Steve
  10. Congrats Derek on another ridiculously fast Longboat build! I like this version better than the first. Nice color scheme. Steve
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