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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Ekis, you need to set up a couple of trail cams to capture the images of the fairies when they move in. Your work brings out my inner child's delight in the discovery of a world where each footstep opens to dreams and never ending possibilities.
  2. You may want to look at this build log and others on the Cutty Sark found here within MSW.
  3. Jas, welcome to MSW and model ship building.
  4. Krupi, welcome to MSW.
  5. Steve, nice work on your model. Welcome to MSW.
  6. Keith, is that the cowl for the head? Your work is beautiful as always and aren't women amazing creatures. Their ability with thread, yarn, spinning, weaving, and quilt making trips my noodle. God certainly knew what he was doing when He created them as our helpmates. I know I would be cast adrift if it were not for my wife. Your wife is doing lovely work on the netting.......hired help indeed, lucky if you get supper.
  7. Tom, welcome to MSW.
  8. Brian, I remember changing the rod bearings in my 46 Chevy pickup out on the curb in Arlington when it was 11 degrees. We drove down from Washington State to visit my folks. I also remember another time driving on two inches of ice coming back from a business trip to Louisiana. Texas winter weather can turn deadly when the Polar Express drops down through Amarillo. Plus you can get a tornado or two in the Spring and 115 degree heat in the summer..........now I remember why I left Texas!
  9. What a beautiful day to move to the Bahamas! Sick of snow I tell you, sick of it.
  10. Michael, my heart goes out to you and Judy. I'm deeply saddened for your loss of Tyra, I still mourn the loss of Amelia who passed away this past August.
  11. Robin, welcome to MSW. Please start a build log and share your project with us.
  12. Those longer tweezers will enable those tiny bits to be flung to even further recesses.
  13. Park, lovey work and welcome to MSW.
  14. Gary, thank you for your kind words. A thank you to all for the likes. Keith, it's the Pilot ladder used by the Harbor Pilot to clamber aboard. Of all the Pilot ladders I've seen in photos, they're all at the stern starboard side. I don't know if it's a written or unwritten rule that's where the Pilot ladder is/was stationed but it makes sense in that, the Pilot boat would know exactly where to find the Pilot ladder even in the dark of night. In the first photo , the Pilot ladder can faintly be seen and in the second photo, just aft of the rudder, the Pilot ladder is barely visible.
  15. Gary, you forgot the most important items to bring along.......a brown bag lunch and a thermos of hot coffee! I've got an 8ft aluminum flat bottom boat and like you, I enjoyed finding remote areas in which to row, drift, and dream. Chris, I'm sure you're going to enjoy every second you're on the water in your beautiful canoe.
  16. Sigge, it's a lot of steps to get to the finished hinge but they come out looking great. True dedication.
  17. We've had your "little treat" on the ground for at least six weeks. I'm so tired of our biweekly "little treats" I could puke. If I could catch that pampered woodchuck I'd ring it's fuzzy neck!
  18. I pray your father in law gets well soon and that your health returns to normal. Get well, we'll patiently wait for project updates.
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