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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. I usually convert to imperial units of measurement. However, all of my measuring tools are in inches, which definitely plays a part in that.
  2. Life is very busy right now with the holidays and everything, but I think I’m going to give the hammock crane netting another shot in the near future.
  3. My apologies, I phrased that poorly. I meant to say that building a card ship from a kit is a completely different experience than building one from scratch. Building this hull has been more difficult for me than either of my two scratch builds.
  4. Just a quick observation regarding card kits. This is my first card ship built from a kit. I have built two from scratch. This kit has been very difficult for me because I have grown used to, for lack of a better term, playing a game of make it up as I go along. A key example is that propeller. In a scratch build, I would carved the hub from a dowel rod, painted it, notched it to take the blades and then made the blades and set them into the hub. The whole painting thing is another difficulty that I have had. I have never been the cleanest with glue, and I usually just paint over my mistakes, lol. That is not as much of an option with a card kit where everything is precolored and not intended to be painted. Case in point, look at my lower hull. Even coppering wasn’t really an option with the structure around the propeller housing and the rudder. Although, I will watch for that with Magenta. All of the pieces for that model will be three times the size of those that came with the Solferino.
  5. Good Saturday Morning Everyone! Solferino has a propeller! And the rudder is in work!
  6. I made some bad mistakes. I should have left the minor gaps in the “copper” and not smoothed the ridges from the frames down and used the extra to cover the gaps (and the holes that I made smoothing the hull out). I didn’t take the thickness of the card into account. Oh well, it’s a study model. And, the Admiral is happy with it. She’s looking forward to displaying it. I built up the rest of the covering for prop mounting and covered the keel. It’s weird worrying about a propeller. It has been a long time since I built a ship that wasn’t sail driven. My usual era is 18th century or before. I love making the carvings and doing all of the decorations. But I also really like the transition era ships and predreadnoughts.
  7. I just got an idea from a buddy of mine who builds RC planes. A lot people build RC planes out of foam board. Has anyone here ever tried to build a POB hull out of foam board, maybe for a card build? It would be sturdy and light. It wouldn’t crush in one direction like corrugated cardboard does. It also would be easy to work and join well to the hull “planking”.
  8. Waterline belt is on: Quick lesson learned: If another piece is going on top, smooth out the underlayer. That is why there’s a gash on the port side of the copper. There is a bunch of extra material that can be used to hide the gaps included with the kit.
  9. Thank you all very much for the likes and just for stopping by! I’ve been making progress! The port side battery armor is on: Both amidships waterline armor belt pieces are on: I may go ahead and finish the lower hull as intended, just to see where is goes. So far, this model is looking pretty good. It isn’t perfect, but none of my stuff is. However, I am happy with how it’s turning out, so far, especially for a study model. So, I’m going to play it out and just see where it goes.
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