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Everything posted by cog

  1. It seems even Murphy can't keep up, OC. Hope things get back to normalish soon
  2. interesting setup, Gaetan. You made the intricate swivel arm youself?
  3. I prime everything with either Tamiya rattlecan or Tamiya surface primer. The latter to touch up or for small items which I build/shape off model, and add later You could add thinner/water to your paints, which is what I do even when using a brush. You might need an extra layer, but it doesn't look sluggish. The deck of my model Tribal Destroyers are painted by hand with Vallejo Air mixture 1 prt Prussian Blue (71 109), 4 prt Steel Blue (71 087), 13 prt Blue Grey (71 115). On top of that I use White, brown, red, yellow, cobalt blue and black pastels, applied with a small hard bristled brush (pigs hair) round straight tipped. I found that the colour is still to dark, so next build I will have it mixed with 10 - 25% light grey to tone it to scale example: the superstructures B-turret platform
  4. it seems the further we are "digitised" the less social and humane we become. I get the feeling some organisations think we have the StarTrek transporter at hand and money is no longer an issue Get some rest and try to keep your spirits up, you know where to find us ...
  5. Sorry to hear about the missus. Hope she's doing better. Give her my best wishes, and lots of strength to you mate!
  6. Like the swivel chairs, and the high tech screens ... you really know how to fill the nooks and crannies mate ... mind boggling ...
  7. Thanks Patrick a lot of praise from someone so versatile in modelling tiny crafts Thanks for the wishes too, I'll get back to you on that subject a wee bit further on in the month
  8. Your work at the ropewalk is becoming as fine as your detailed brass work, Johann. You have set yourself a very high standard ...
  9. Thank you all for the likes and comments (I must be getting old, start to repeat meself ) Lou, the wire on the H-stack is copper, the wire from a CAT5 network cable, on the funnels is EZ-line (the thinnest they've got). The funnels are in reality wire, whilst the stacks are supported by bars. The bent thingies aft of the rear most funnel are as far as I know pumps or something like pipes to connect hoses to. Can't find it in any of the (tribal) destroyer books I've got The other bent thingy at the edge of the deck is my poor replacement for the crane I messed up Greg, you are quite right, I'm past the point of noreturn Denis, When I compare my camouflage with yours, Dan's, or Greg's, than this one is pretty straight forward. Besides ... I hand painted the deck furnishings and superstructures, which makes alignment a lot easier
  10. You've got sharp eyes Denis Thanks for the likes & comments, as always, much appreciated Had the oportunity to work on the model, can't say I retreated into the mancave as I sit at my desk, which has become a mixture between desk and work bench ... maybe I can CA my customer's problems ... Finished rigging the funnels, need to rig one more set of davits, fitted the rear superstructure, and added the vents - those "H" shaped ones - I need to find some anchor chain for this scale and type of ship, as the ones from the kit are horrendous. Right ... picsies:
  11. that's the bird, Kortes. It's funny, I'm reading a book from the Bolitho series where he is promoted to commander of a sloop called sparrow ...
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