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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Hi all, another small update, I am being slowed with research at the moment but finding a little time to do a few small things such as making the hammocks for stowing around the funnel as shown in the photo. I posted a photo of the railings earlier; these are only 11mm high with the hammocks 22mm. I did these by rolling some washed drafting linen around a styrene rod (.8mm) then cutting them into lengths before attaching the marline hitch lashings. The rolled linen was soaked with a diluted fabric glue (water) solution and I originally had intentions of removing the rod. However, even with the stiffening from the solution it proved to keep these straight enough as shown in the photo so I left the rods in-situ. I have just noted i need to tidy up some of the rod end (to hide them a bit better). I also did try to add the clews and ring that would have been folded inwards (as shown below) but simply could not achieve it with my clclumsy fingers at this scale 🙂 As these faced in towards the funnel they would not have been seen anyway (well that is my poor excuse. cheers Pat
  2. Stunning - very crisp and beautifully detailed work Amalio. cheers Pat
  3. Very nice work Greg; you have really mastered the pre-shading etc which looks absolutely fabulous. cheers Pat
  4. That detail looks great Greg, you've done a excellent job on those guns. There is no harm in covering the boats with canvas, that is how they would have been at sea unless being used anyway cheers Pat
  5. Very nice effect Tecko, you're on the finishing stretch now despite the daunting task of painting cheers Pat
  6. An interesting and enjoyable build to follow Dan; you can be justifiably proud of your efforts - she looks great! cheers Pat
  7. If it helps there are a couple of Mermaid build logs that may assist directly, or the builder may be able to help. Examples: and cheers Pat
  8. Agree with Michael, this will be an interesting subject and build. Very fortunate you were able to get a thoroughly researched set of plans and info. cheers Pat
  9. She is looking the part of that 'luxury' yacht now Patrick. Nice details. cheers Pat
  10. Another example of your fine craftsmanship Ed. cheers Pat
  11. Nice work OC; you are making some very good progress with this very nice model cheers Pat
  12. Thanks for the head's up Steven. I can't say it is readily available these days but I have a little bit tucked away. look forward to seeing the restoration of your Royal Harry. cheers Pat
  13. Great to see you back at it Mark. You seem to have that 'death star' sorted now, that sheet looks very nicely cut. cheers Pat
  14. Hi Tim, nice job on the build. Look forward to seeing it and yourself at the SMSV meeting. cheers Pat
  15. Thanks for looking in Denis; slow progress at the moment while I concentrate on further research and get the 3D printed parts underway. cheers Pat
  16. An hour or two per day has served you well Ed (no pun intended); the rigging looks great cheers Pat
  17. Nice work Jason; a real production line you have going there. Those canon ook great! cheers Pat
  18. Glad you enjoyed your trip Rod; and thanks for posting pics. Mate your call on the masting and rigging - whatever 'floats your boat' so to speak. The main thing is do you like it displayed like that - if yes then go for it. it certainly is a different adaption of the 'stub mast' display. cheers Pat
  19. You have to be happy with that result Danny; great work and a very polished high quality job. cheers Pat
  20. Great progress Steven, a learning experience in many senses of the word. cheers Pat
  21. Nice work Eberhard; I know how difficult (for me at least ) turning acrylic can be - turned up very cleanly. cheers Pat
  22. Your rope walk makes up some nice rope UV and those tops will look great when complete. cheers Pat
  23. Those ladders (actually, they are called 'accommodation ladders' in modern parlance) are not so permanent In newer ships (this century or so) they are designed to be raised and then the outer side tilted up to sit flush with the rails; or in even newer ships to be recessed into specially designed housings. Prior to that, and I am talking even up to the 1990s, the ladders were made in parts (upper and lower platforms, ladder steps, and rails and support arm with tackle and topping lift) would be dismantled and stowed away in dedicated brackets (usually fitted close to or on the superstructure screens) as close to their place of use as possible. In these ships there was usually only the one accommodation ladder and it was rigged as needed on the side required. This type of ladder was usually part of a suite of ladders that included the Jacob's ladder (rope/wire with wood rungs) used for very temporary jobs, what was called a 'mediterranean ladder' which was a vertical ladder usually made from aluminum (metal at least), and the accommodation ladder. Hope this helps clarify? cheers Pat
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