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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. It looks real neat. Are those green strips the kit color or did you repaint them? The ones in my kit were real lite in color so I think I will repaint them.
  2. I that thought about doin LEDs on my Mississippi build but opted out for the same reason.
  3. Just tagging on with the electrics I believe you can purchase some component that simulates a flicker just like candle light. Actualy I think I have seen it on this site somewhere. If you want to get real serious of course.
  4. Hey Chris, don't feel sorry. I have not started this kit yet as I am finishing off the rigging on the HMS President. Hopefully in the next month or so I shall lay the keel.
  5. I kept checking in to see if you had done anymore posts. I have this kit too and have been following your build to see what I'm in for. I do like the interior lighting that you have installed, looks amazing.
  6. Oh my!! What an absolute great job on the paint work! Your ships boat looks a real gem too. Keep up the great work. I have never seen two sides of the hull built separately before. That was interesting.
  7. I really like the reflection painting of the stern windows, that's a great idea. Doing a brilliant job.
  8. I would say yes. That bulkhead you are showing us is like the spine, backbone of the ship. It is absolutely nessercery to get this straight. Soaking the wood and clamping it down on a flat surface would be ideal. Although as you say it's only a slight curve it will affect certain construction stages later on. Good luck
  9. I just stumbled across this build log of yours Sherry and now I'm stumbling over my words. Looks first class quality. Keep up the marvelous work.
  10. Making an excellent job of this kit Stuart. Is the brass on the deck a visual design or is there a physical purpose for this? I've never seen a design like that on a deck. It looks good, keep up the neat tidy work.
  11. Haha!! I had a great laugh. Is there a little blanket you drap over her at night?
  12. That's very weird that the bulkheads were missing. I've never heard of that before. Do the plans have a 1:1 scale drawing of the bulkheads you can make a template out of?
  13. I have to say you love it!!! Otherwise you would not take on an overhaul like this. Best of luck! I will watch from a safe distance
  14. The bIggest issue I have.. Excuse the pun! Is once I start building I want to keep goin. Not enough supplied in each issue to keep you goin for a month. I don't think I have the patience to wait for next months issue!!
  15. I'm thinking about this kit too. The Mamoli Rattlesnake and Bounty kits were exactly the same with the wood.
  16. I take it treenails are out of the question! A great start. Good luck
  17. Looking great! What sort of primer did you use for the hull? Your cannon trucks came up real good. I like your painting techniques.
  18. Off to a good start. I'm glad you took a photo of your new work bench. It will never look the same again!! I've never used any filler blocks on any of my builds but that's just me. Keep up the good work.
  19. Are the tops of the handrails going to be painted to simulate wood? As I think the top rail was wood of some sort?
  20. Congratulations. They came up well. Neat work
  21. I like the cables on the electric cargo cranes. Looks neat. Hand rails look good. Are those kit supped braces you have in the hull or are they an extra you added yourself?
  22. A big round of appluse for you. From start to finish I have followed. And I'm glad i did. She looks amazing. Well done!! I really do love your rope coils hanging off the pin racks. Top job!
  23. Did you have any issues with a warped keel? I would add the actual keel on at this stage.
  24. Don't think I have seen a Turkmodel build on here before. I like these type of ships. Best of luck. A nice length at 1:87th too.
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