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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. Looks great. First milestone down. The guillotine I got came from- Hobbies4U. They are a shop in Melbourne. It is a simple Artensaina Latina brand. Works well.
  2. He sure is talking about the deck planking Brad. There is a few different variations/ patterns to follow when laying the deck planks. All depends on the type of ship, Time period etc... Im pretty sure he means by 1-2 is to have a join in the planks then leave the next 2 planks without a join then a join. Stagger the planks basically so not every second plank has a join. Hope that helps. To cut the planks I use a mini Guillotine with a guid to get every plank exactly the same length. A razor saw with even a fine tooth can rip the planks. A scalpel would work best.
  3. Thank you. I have only some of my builds in my gallery. Must update it at some stage. I used to use White PVA but found this Tightbond works much better. It is fast drying and also becomes tacky quickly so be careful. These wooden ship kits are all very similar as in you have to cut and manufacture certain parts to the measurements in the plans. I still have trouble identifying the certain wood strips in some kits. That's why I turn to this site quite often for guidance.
  4. I love this kit. Thinking about one day purchasing it yet. That's great glue you have. It works a treat! Love your keel clamp, good start.
  5. Cutting notches into the supplied blade will make the rudder not protrude from the stern post the correct distance? It will look shorter? I added timber on either side of the hinges for this reason. My two cents
  6. Hey Bob. I hope those gun ports havent given you too much grief! Nice job on that cap rail. Overall it looks great.
  7. Marvelous job. I like the wood stacks. I had a similar problem with scales not accurate on my Mantua President.
  8. Wow nice!!! Interesting to see how much the kits changed over the years. The Rattlesnake is a good build.
  9. Looks like you are off to a great start. Well done, This is a great choice for your first build.
  10. Amazing detail for that scale. It's not until you see the pictures of the 150mm ruler next to it that you realize just how small it is. Good work.
  11. Stunning job you have done. Top dollar planking job. I don't think I would want to paint the hull. IMO.
  12. Hey how is the recording going? Hope the Band is all good. Waiting patently for the next installment.
  13. Hey looks great. Everything sanded and smooth. Good work. Their is a product out there called Krystal clear for window panes. It's a liquid and is poured onto the window frames. Comes up great. Good work.
  14. I'm not sure if your build has a block and tackle setup for the rudder or if it's just a tiller bar. If it is a Block and Tackle, Then the smaller diameter rope is used for that rigging. Anchors etc are the larger Dia. Hope this is helpful.
  15. What a nice build. Sails look great. Your right they are extremely hard to get right.
  16. Nice start. Looks good. I have myself looked at this ship a couple of times.
  17. Interesting build. Just looked over the whole thing. Impressive!!
  18. That would work great for cannons. I'm not a big fan of shiny black cannons. Thanks:)
  19. Your a very very busy man! I'm actualy not too sure with Mantua rope. Should be ok though.
  20. Cheers guys. Pencil graphite sounds interesting. Worth a try. Thanks.
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