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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. Some use a hypodermic needle and simply push into the wood leaving little round impresions.
  2. I really like your hull planking. It looks great. Your stern windows are coming along nice. What method are you goin to use for the glass? I see some of the other Modelers here use a product that is liquid and you simply pour it into the windows. I Remember "Brian the Extrodinare" was telling us about this product.
  3. Heya I've just started this kit. Is Sergal another Branch of Mantua? The 1:60th scale looks smaller then some of my 1:64th ships but that might just be an illusion. Looks like you are doing great. Is that the original colour scheme?
  4. Doing great!! Looks like a tricky area around the formost gunport.
  5. That looks fine. A great job! Just remember when sanding, always sand with the planks lenghways. Just a tip. Keep up the good work.
  6. The Armed Virginia Sloop from Model shipways is quite popular as a first build.
  7. Looks like a great start. She will be a nice ship. I have not come across 1/64th kit with cannon balls as of yet. Or maybe that's just me. Enjoy!
  8. It's looking great so far. Nice job on the decking. Good work
  9. Would the steam be okay in that wooden box? I mean it won't bend the box out of proportion would it?
  10. Opps sorry, May I add that never be afraid to ask these rookie questions as we are here to help. We don't get sick of it because we all had to start somewhere. Best of luck to you I hope all will go to plan.
  11. Maby if you have a mini razor plane. With the blade set very shallow. Take your time.
  12. Stunning job. Looks great. Those PE hinges will look the part. Good work.
  13. I love these old steamers. There is one still in operation in Queenstown New Zealand that is sort of similar. She is called th S.S Earnslaw. I like the way you have done a mock up to test out the lighting. Are you running batteries or powering off the mains?
  14. i`d have to go with the others on this one. Using a brush is alot better for fiddly tasks. For painting the hull under the waterline i would maby use an airbrush. I take a look at the stages of construction in order to see what needs to be painted before assembling parts. ie, hard to reach places etc. hope this helps you out.
  15. Also with belaying pin rails, be careful as alot of small holes in one strip of wood makes the rail very weak. as i have found out while drilling the last hole and the strip spliting in two!!
  16. Well what a job! Looking real nice. I do like your paint work. Nice job on the rudder.
  17. How did you achieve your treenails? They look great.
  18. The shrouds are coming alone nicely. Are these left natural or painted black?
  19. Your guns look great. I can imagine they are real fidley. I like the way the deck has come up. Great job.
  20. Hey great looking sails. I'm about to start on the sails for my Leida pleasure yacht. Yours have come up great. I have one of those small compact (as seen on tv) sowing machines so I'll try that out. I think in going to dye mine in tea. For a lighter shade. It will be great when you install yours I think they'll look awesome.
  21. Hey. A great job on your cannons, and the rest of your build. The paint job on the cannons has worked out well. Is there brackets with the carridges to keep the cannon swivels in there slots?
  22. A Matt varnish would look nice. Some Modelers use a gloss varnish but personally I think it's too glossy (plastic looking). How about even a wood stain? But that might bring it up too dark. Gather up some scraps of the finished planking and have a couple of trials to see what you think looks best.
  23. A fine job on those bulkheads Jerry. Did you have any trouble with warping of the materials?
  24. Hello Shawn, Check out the couple of tags on this site relating to ship modeling tools. I'm sure they will be of some help. Down the right hand side of the screen. Hope that gives you some help. All the best.
  25. Hey there SGraham! A real nice build you have! To be honest I think that gasket you were referring to may be right. I'm thinking of the movement from left to right on the bowsprit so surely there would have to be something plugging the gaps. I love your decking by he way. Great job.
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