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Captain Poison

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Everything posted by Captain Poison

  1. This is the part missing,right? You can use balsa wood and recreate it.. imageproxy.jfif
  2. What is the ship you are working on?
  3. If you see the marks that you have made, the measurements are different (from high to low towards the bow), unfortunately the way you have done it, if you don't want to start again, to save the work you should cut the planks as they get closer to the bow in an almost triangular shape .. If you see the line in black that would be the way to continue and thus be able to place them without breaking planks. Another method would be to use drop plank (Chuck's image for his Winchelsea) as shown in the image or use the fan for planking. plankingfan.pdf
  4. I have a picture and where she was built..
  5. Shapeways 3D printing maybe is your solution,check the site.. https://www.shapeways.com/create https://www.shapeways.com/marketplace?type=product&q=figurehead
  6. The passion in your work is admirable and that is why we love it!
  7. I found this site in USA with a selection of domestic and exotic wood (one store located in florida). https://www.rockler.com/wood/domestic-lumber
  8. I went to Fedex Office and I had the same problem printing the plans, I did not return after the second time they printed wrong ... now I build this frigate that is 44 inches long, I think I am in 1:35 scale.(on the right,another frigate,1:48-36 inches)
  9. As always an excellent job, the detail in every corner where you look is incredible...
  10. I had the same problem with blue screens when I ran W7, when I switched to W10, the problems were solved and having a new OS I had many updates and repairs .. Also,I don't know if you guys know but by January 20, 2020 Windows 7 stops receiving support and updates.
  11. Your pictures are so great that I can smell the wood..
  12. Good winds in this project! it's a great frigate with plenty of option for details due the scale.
  13. Excellent work in a beautiful model, the details are perfectly executed highlighting the work even more...very well done KORTES!
  14. I square off the mast because although it is the way it is done, it avoids movements in the mast.
  15. Is this for the hull of the ship? Was the wood treated with any color previously?
  16. I hope this help.. https://suburbanshipmodeler.com/category/bluenose-canadian-schooner/ https://suburbanshipmodeler.com/2017/11/24/main-boom-rigging/
  17. Check page #1 post #29 Fixed Blocks..I think this is what you looking for.
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