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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Let me also be among the first to congratulate you on a job well done. As Dirk said, it's hard to believe it's been 2 years. Having been on board since the beginning, I'm aware of the frustrations both you and Sam went through to make these last incredible photos a reality. I applaud both your perseverence and skills. It's been an adventure and a pleasure at the same time. I'm glad you were the first to tackle her. I'm hoping we hear some good news from Sam in future. Can't wait to see you tackle some projects at a larger scale. I'm not far behind you. Once again, well done, mate!
  2. And I thought I was the only one who 'hates' what he/she is doing at the moment. Be it cannon carraiges or ratlines. It's the repetition. The Admiral has been heard to say 'I don't know why you do this --- you're always complaining about it'. Funny part is, when you get to the end, the satisfaction more than dwarfs the occasional fits of frustration. Looking good!
  3. Thanks, Mark, for providing this initial review for us. There simply is no substitute for someone providing information based on actual experience. Here's hoping your dealings with Tech Support (NO excuse for the delay) and additional tweaking can bring the device reasonably close to your expectations. My hat's off to you for testing the waters.
  4. Leave off the outdoor lights so that they just fall overboard.
  5. Oh, I'm sure he'll add the glazing. The real challenge will be the brass porthole rings.
  6. Glad to hear that your brother in law is doing ok. Have a safe trip home.
  7. Forget the horse. Those look good from my chair! Speaking of which, your astronomer's chair looks very interesting. Thanks for the info.
  8. There's your answer! In fact a few builders here actually bend wet planks wrapped in paper towels in the microwave. Never tried it myself
  9. Actually, the bucket isn't a bad idea. The thing with the bending jig is that if you use narrow diameter pins or nails they can make that kink. I've made such jigs out of something like a 3/16" dowel, drilling holes into the board to support the dowels. The thicker dowel has much less tendency to kink your wood. You can also take a piece of scrap hardwood, lay out your intended curve and cut the whole board itself into that curve. Then you can 'sandwich' your planks between the two pieces and clamp the whole board together and to the bench. Takes longer to dry since there's almost no exposed surface. You need to play with it. You'll probably want to slightly overbend your planks as they always tend to spring back when you release them. We all here know that there are a lot of planks on any hull. But someone here once said 'treat each one as though it's a special project'. He/she was right. You're doing a single plank hull here so your goal should be perfection. That's the goal. And who knows, it may just come out that way !!!
  10. Yes, you're looking at a flat rendition of a curved piece as it actually appears to the eye. Take a look at plan sheet 8...the overhead view, and you'll see it measures the same as the others. About 13mm on the outer hull side.
  11. Those are individual strands of copper wire? Outrageous. Don't know if you tried it but, since you're painting the wire, scuffing it with some fine sandpaper (maybe 400 grit) then wiping it clean with acetone might help the CA grab it a little better. But it doesn't matter. What you have is outstanding.
  12. Coming together very nicely. Now I'm liking your choice of deck color. But Popeye, at this rate we'll be asking you 'what's next' in a month !
  13. Well done. The old adage 'measure twice, cut once' holds true.
  14. One final update before we close the shipyard for our vacation. The twin binnacles have been completed and mounted. With this, the 'command and control center' area is completed. I'll be around and checking in on all of you for a few days. Then it's off to Alaska in search of a King Salmon with my name on it. Been over 25 years since we visited the North country so it will be interesting to see the changes. Be 'off the grid' for about 3 weeks. Stay the course and keep a lamp burning in the stern gallery so we can find our way back.
  15. Those knees can be fiddly to get just right. They look terrific.....and the deck is stunning. Nicely done, mate.
  16. Great looking rails. We're not in a race ...... enjoy your build. I certainly am.
  17. Have a look at the first page of Chuck's cutter Cheerful log. Might give you some ideas. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/8131-hm-cutter-cheerful-1806-148-scale-by-chuck/?hl=cheerful
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