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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Given the location and time period, Jerry has it nailed.
  2. And I thought the work on the stern was spectacular. This looks great......everything symmetrical. I see you've decided to go with that blue. Are you going to use it in the stern for the cabin entries as well? It really stands out nicely. I also see that she has both roundhouses and exposed seats of ease. I surmise you need that with a large crew.
  3. I won't disagree with David on a technical basis. But Brian has illustrated the proper angle as I see it. Unfortunately, the chainplate should not interfere with the gunport at all. Therefore the position you have chosen is what I would do. I would reflect to see if I could determine the cause of this small problem. Was it the gunport position, channel placement, deadeye position, angle of the shroud or a deficiency on the plans. At any rate I don't believe it to be worthy of a major deconstruction.
  4. That is one nice looking piece. PLEASE use caution around those 'wings'.
  5. Except perhaps for planks at the wales, I find that using scale length planks is much easier then trying to wrestle a full length plank into position. And, if one is very careful, medium CA is my adhesive of choice. I can hold the plank in position and not bother with planking clamps and long waits for the glue to set.
  6. The red looks good. That simple jig will do the job. Wait until you get to use Chuck's spiling jig !! Take your time on every aspect of the stern. Alignment is crucial ---- but it really pays off in the end.
  7. Rich, I'm far from being an expert and never will be. I think we all strive to do our best given where we are in time in our modeling careers. To expect to actually master every technique we face in building a ship model early on is, to me, unreasonable. I myself am guilty of what I call 'HERESY' at times. It beats getting completely bogged down and risking an entire project. You want to be satisfied that you've done your best at this point in time. Naturally, we all keep notes, mental or physical and have those in mind for the next project. Each one improves.....but there is always more room for improvement. Someday, one of us will build the model that is technically perfect in every respect. I'm looking forward to that day.
  8. Wire was the way to go. Should help out setting up the nets. Nicely done, Bob.
  9. Take your time. We'll have a party for Christmas and fire a few broadsides at one another!
  10. Aren't multiple guns a riot? You'll feel like Henry Ford by the time they're done. Doing the same out here!
  11. Take a deep breath and smile. That's what I'm doing ! NICE.....
  12. Really a nice, clean assembly all around. Love the oars! And the black hull picks up the other accents.
  13. I can imagine your initial disappointment Wes. Thank heavens you moved away for a time. I think we all like to dive right in and get it resolved ASAP. Looks as if you've got it solved.
  14. Looks nice Sjors. No rush on attaching it ---- I knocked mine off twice before I put it back in the 'completed box'. Say, did you see the photo on Mobbsie's Aggy log with him standing in front of the completed ship in case? You just may wish to start house hunting about now.
  15. A hair hard to tell from the photo angle but just be certain your chainplates line up exactly with the shroud (if possible).
  16. The tiny little quoins came laser cut on Confed, Floyd. I'll try for a close up down the road. In the past I've simulated the iron straps with artist's tape that I painted. I've heard that others have also used painted masking tape and even vinyl trim tape. I'm doing something new this time. I found that cutting thin strips of (black) 1500 grit sandpaper gives me something very easy to work with. It holds it's shape, the paper backing glues down very easily and looks great. Pics in a few days.
  17. The way I've done it Ron is to stick a dowel in the mast hole and set it as close as possible to the fore/aft angle of the real mast. Mark the height of the lower mast top on it. Now just tie one string on there, long enough to go below your channel. Now you can check the angle of the chainplates by simply moving the string to each deadeye position and carrying it below the channel to the hull. It will also show you that you're avoiding any obstructions below the channel ---- like gunports!
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