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Everything posted by augie

  1. Yes, Popeye. Lots of parts in those carraiges! I'll be showing some details in a week or so.
  2. This is a tough question. The cradle looks good. Now, if you fasten her to the cradle, do you then fasten the cradle to the case? I know I was ambivalent when I finished Syren. So I wound up screwing her to a wood base then screwing the base into the case. It's nice an solid so I can move the case without getting anything out of alignment --- but it would be a feat to get her out. I'm going to have a cradle on Confed so I'll be looking to see what you do.....and how it goes!
  3. Now is the time to decide on pinning her! Are you planning on putting her in a case?
  4. My Admiral suggested the same technique, Lawrence. Hopefully a handsome guy like Sjors has a hairdryer......or Anja can help.
  5. Thanks for pointing that out Jax. I hadn't heard that. And I'm still concerned about Sam.
  6. KEN- Yes, 91% isopropanol to be exact --- available at WalMart. And I buff down with a piece of old cotton tee shirt between coats. And yes, I thin the paint with distilled water. BLUE ENSIGN --- Thanks for stopping by! I'm not the first rate researcher you are. Chuck P. called for the rings, so rings there are. We here in the colonies stick together.
  7. Sorry Mark, only Ben uses 20 coats. About 8 normally works for me. Yay--- cool weather! Brian- no, I don't use primer. It just ruins the detail for me and I've never had a paint adherence problem. I just degrease the surface (in this case with alcohol because I used CA for the trunions and rings) and then go. Granted the first 2 coats look horrible but then it's clear sailing. We'll see in a few days !!!!!! SJORS- those are the Admiral's party toothpicks. We bought 100 in 1967 and haven't used any yet. Only you would notice that!
  8. Can't wait until you turn the fan on from just abaft the beam!!!!!
  9. I blacken lots of small items but just prefer to paint cannons. I'll be using MS Cannon Black acrylic to which I add a bit of dark blue to get what I like. It's applied in multiple very thin coats to maintain the detail.
  10. At 700 HRS. into the build, it's time to finish off the cannon barrels. We'll be using 1/16" eyebolts with just a short length of the base left to insert into the gun: The hole was drilled with a #76 pin drill at an angle so that the ring sits hard to the small knob. A very small dab of thin CA was applied prior to insertion. Here's the 32 gun cannon 'forest' ready for painting: Now ready for painting.......see you in 2 weeks!!!
  11. OK, we'll call it "All ahead, dead slow".
  12. Just one comment John. I noticed you used 'rings' on your anchor. The photo of the full scale they look more like bands. Minor point. I've simulated those iron bands with painted paper, painted masking tape or (my favorite) narrow lengths of heat shrink tubing.
  13. Take care of the Admiral.....one day she'll return it, in spades. We'll all be here when you get back to work!
  14. I was going to ask the same question as Grant.
  15. Nice tools, nice anchors and nice weather! It's 22 here this morning! Those round anchor stocks are interesting, John.
  16. MSW member Tim I just started a build log on MS Sultana and mentioned he had a practicum from Chuck Passaro. You might check with Tim and get the details. Here's the link to his Sultana build: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/8579-hms-sultana-dual-build-by-tim-i-model-shipways-scale-164-kit-bash/#entry255722
  17. Run of the gun ports looks pretty darned good. I have to think that defining the transom is absolutely necessary to fair her properly. Good luck here.
  18. PM received. Many thanks, mate. I love the fact that this Forum provides a mechanism to receive valuable input from shipmates halfway around the globe.
  19. Good thinking Sal. This template thing has caused consternation for more than a few folks.
  20. When you say 'slow', are you talking Mobbsie slow or normal folks slow ?????
  21. The hull colors of the GF always struck me as unusual ---- but I've always liked them. You're doing a fine job!
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