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Everything posted by augie

  1. Well I'll be darned. I wish I had even 2% of your creativity. The Admiral wants to know if you're planning to put a 1:20 George Clooney on board?
  2. Sure Floyd. The quoin handle is just 22 gauge black iron annealed wire. It's glued in a hole drilled in the back of the carraige and extends out 5/32" so it sits behind the breech of the gun. The 'handle' on the end is a small dollop of thick CA. The whole thing is then given a few coats of black to blend things together. I noticed this on Rusty's Confed log. Although his narrative was lost from back then the glue seemed like a worthwhile try and it worked out ok.
  3. Nice of George to provide that drawing. I pretty much use what's in Fig. 1
  4. A quick update : The carpenters, painters and foundry workers have been sent home to enjoy the Holiday. All the carraiges are built and the guns and hardware at the ready for the gun deck: Gun placement will begin right after the Holiday. Let me take the opportunity to wish everyone on this side of the pond a Happy Thanksgiving ! And peace and tranquility for all, no matter your home port.
  5. Thanks Bob. Was just wondering if there was some "Admiralty Rule" buried in a text from 1790. I could never really find anything on that.
  6. She looks wonderful Is there a reason you chose black for the exterior? The reason I ask is that when I did Syren, I wrestled with the color issue and just went along with the instructions. But it always bothered me that white seemed to make a perfect target.
  7. I'm with Dan. And get some support in there for strength....ASAP
  8. GREAT! Sounds like we both try to avoid those down-the-road surprises.
  9. That is beautiful work. Did you pin it to the deck?
  10. Thank you very much, Ken. I think you're being overly kind but, since we're both Brooklynites, I'll take it! I've been following your Fair American and think you are doing a fantastic job. I love your work on the sails ---- something I wouldn't even attempt. Actually, with display space becoming a problem around here, I've been thinking of giving her a shot and see what 1:48 is like. The builds by both yourself and Bob (Rafine) have been impressive! I'm happy the info on MSW has given you some ideas......it certainly has for me. We all learn from each other. Stay well!
  11. Looking good Sal. I just checked my Syren and Chuck's practicum. At midships, the 7th plank sits dead on the line at the top of the gunport. As you move forward that 7th plank has a natural rise to it so that it's the 6th plank that starts to run into the gunports and needs to be notched. If you look at pg. 20 on the full profile shot of Chuck's I believe you'll see the same thing. I don't have the photos from back then as that part of my log was lost in the MSW 1.0 crash. Hope this helps.
  12. Congrats on the 1000th. May you have many, many more. Really grand to see an update on Rattlesnake. Love the paper caulking. I'm curious about the brass rods. They look terrific......but if you're going to apply a finish I wonder how they will look. I'm hoping for the best. Admittedlly, I'm pretty much an amateur at this but your scarph joints look nice to me. Yes, it is easier if you have some wider stock. Terrific stuff, JP!
  13. Yup, that transom piece is a compound curve. Had the same on Confederacy....but of course I wasn't starting from thin air. Based on your success with the counter you'll get it RFT.
  14. CONGRATULATIONS, my friend. She is an accomplishment of which you deserve to be very, very proud. And your fleet is impressive, to say the least. I look forward to the day we can see your Aggie join in alongside. This is my smile for the day
  15. Isn't it amazing how large the case turns out to be? Really hope you can find a good spot and hang on to her Mobbsie.
  16. Good investment on the brushes and an equally good choice on the treenail/caulking to move ahead with. Experiments pay off.
  17. Why don't you and Dirk merge and have a joint venture supplying ship's parts. I'll just order my whole next vessel from you and save a lot of angst.
  18. Looking very neat. And those belaying pins are fantastic.
  19. Nothing more to say. It looks great....beautifully clean.
  20. Nice job on the inboard side of the transom. It's a tough call. Blue might be nice. But I'd go natural.
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