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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Lots going on there in the bow. Looks great. Sorry the lights didn't work out but hey, you gave it a shot.
  2. Local hobby store may have them. Model Expo and MicroMark have them in sets. Not really expensive. They are generally used with a smaller pin vise as they won't take much force.
  3. That's a LOT of progress. Glad you decided to plank as well as possible even though she'll be coppered. Just one suggestion --- you might want to invest in a set of smaller drills...... sizes #60-80. They will come in handy very often as you move through the build.
  4. Sweet. The intensity looks perfect. Just keep a sharp eye out to see who may be coming up behind with chase guns before you light 'em up !
  5. Sounds like you've got the thought process in place. Your honest narrative gives all of us a reminder of how what we do today can impact a year down the road. Your strength is that you forge ahead with the required modifications rather than simply 'make do'. Fine work, mate.
  6. Details are looking good. Your work on the cannons will pay off....one way or another. Chuck's cannons are superb if you go that way. Hopefully you can get a very close match regarding the size.
  7. GREAT to see you both back. Send some of that mojo my way.
  8. Glad to hear you're feeling better and have smoothed things over with the Admiral. At times we all get frustrated.
  9. When faced with an odd number of shrouds, i rig the foremost shrouds in pairs and the aft most as a single running from port to starboard. The single is not seized to anything. Not sure that's 'by the book' but it works.
  10. Thanks for sharing all of your experiences with us, Mark. It's appreciated.
  11. Your tales always bring me a smile. Sounds like you Admiral is a real 'keeper'. Maybe Mark can laser cut you a set of ice cream-proof floor mats
  12. Yes, thanks Chuck. I'm with JC Frankie on this one. That's no way to conduct a business.
  13. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ! Just catching up on logs. Titanic is growing in leaps and bounds. Very nice, my friend.
  14. Wow! I missed all the fun.....but I'm back. That is one heck of a turn at the counter. But you're making it look easy. She is coming alive! Well done, mate!
  15. Just came across this and wanted to wish you well on this new voyage. You're in great company!
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