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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I cover over my projects with cut up tee shirts, long sections like a tarp or shroud. once they are masted or to the point where delicate parts are added, it's a bit harder to do.......an over sized box usually does the trick {cut the flaps off, so they don't get in the way}.
  2. catching up on your project OC.........she's coming along nicely good info about paint.......while I use enamels, I also wipe the rim and caps. it helps to give a good seal, and keeps the caps from being stuck on.........hate using pliers to open paint bottles. I still have a fair selection of Billing's paint, which by now has become quite old. I'm not sure how long Tom had them before he sent them to me, but I've opened some to find that they've either jelled or separated to a concrete layer on the bottom. a friend of mine took a model boat propeller and made a mixer using a small electric motor.....it worked well for him. I had to break his bubble and show him that they do make them for purchase. Badger has one: micro mark has one: or..........if your the DYI type, you can either use a reciprocating saw, or a jig saw
  3. superb bit of progress there Greg........the stanchions look super they look much better than PE....more life like. I've done that before.......given my projects coffee baths.......not only that, I'm sneeze prone {try explaining that one } . some do stain their decks......light stains, coffee's a new one on me. looks like you did a decent job of cleaning her up. she looks great
  4. there are many kits where parts need to be fitted to the model........believe it or not, this is fairly normal. one thing to think about having to do this, is that it's kind of an introduction to scratch building....half the work is done for you. to me, this is what brings out the scratch builder in all of us you'll do fine..........take your time
  5. really nice job so far Danny........I see the non ship builds have been separated from the other threads. neat idea
  6. the hull came out really nice I've tried it once {didn't use the cloth}..........I should do it more often
  7. it's progress and your learning........effort has it's rewards look at other logs on clipper ships, on how they do the tops and cross trees, and you'll get a better idea on how to proceed. in some instances, the size of the wood in the instructions are out of scale......I tend to go with what I think would be more to scale in regards to this. 1/16 and 1/32 does a lot to fix some of their boo boo's and will allow you to get a bit more detailed. rigging diagrams are also not correct at times.....simplified for the creation of the model. if you look at the different model manufacturers, you'll see that they all have different methods in the construction and materials for their models. I suppose this is OK though, since there are no two modelers that are alike Keep at it my friend........your doing fine! glad your enjoying the hobby. be mindful of the kit you buy......only build the 'good' ones
  8. catching up on your endeavors Greg........she is one fantastic model there is so much detail, and your paint skill is off the charts! very nice that you were able to do the color layering on the gun barrels.....how did you mask them without getting the paint lines? nice work on the camo as well
  9. looks really nice....the PE detail adds quite a bit to the structure
  10. your experimenting with different chair designs...........looks really good !
  11. thanks for the birthday wishes........I had a great day yesterday, in spite of the admiral's back problems resurfacing. I had read that the trumpeter kit wasn't very good.......quite a few inaccuracies. the budget director would never ok spending that kind of money on a plastic kit.......wood maybe I do thank you though for wanting me to upgrade.....but I will continue with this kit......I think it needs me {Charlie Brown....good grief!} I have read though that some of the 1:350 kits are pretty good..........perhaps I'll hunt one up. I love Revell....I grew up with them . I'm 62 Lou........how old does dirt have to be?
  12. sounds like an interesting idea. instead of a picture, try looking through magazines or surf the net for images to download. don't create a partition, it might ruin the depth of the room. you could even try and scratch build a table and furnishings. use your imagination on the rest.......wire makes good conduit piping
  13. yea........they are vulnerable little critters, aren't they?!?!?! it's just my tendency to work from the bottom up.....it's a wonder I don't put the props on already! who knows........the admiral didn't flip when I mentioned getting another Arizona kit.....so that might be in the making. then I can start over and not have such a messed up deck line we'll see what happens........ thanks for the kind comment......it's nice to see your following along.
  14. I finally get over here in the scratch build forum..........I just had to see how you were progressing. I see you have made some really good progress on her.....she's looking great in her updated paint........and you've done quite a bit to the interior! very nice inside I really like how the wood grain peeks out from the black. I know how you feel about time........I haven't had much myself either. it's a good thing the hobby is forgiving in that respect. as long as your making progress, then the journey still continues keep up the stellar work!
  15. catching up my friend..........I see your moving along at a fairly good pace. nice job on the figures.......and the beginnings of your brass work looks awesome! really nice to see
  16. finally I get to check on your progress here............and I find your nearing the end! a huge congratz to you........you've done such a masterful job on her.......looks absolutely gorgeous! must be rewarding to finally get to making the crate for her return so happy for you!
  17. ROFL!!!!!!!! now, why didn't I think of that! I had to read this to the admiral.......she enjoyed the comment too! this was a project that went horribly fantastic.........I wish I could come up with another one thank you for the very kind comment. if you thought this one was cool......just wait till I start seeing things in my oatmeal
  18. so sorry to hear of your ongoing health problems John........been hard for me to get over to the scratch forum, with all the logs I look at. I wish you well......thinking of you w/fingers crossed that you recover well and quickly! best wishes to Pam as well. the frame is coming along splendidly........can't wait to see the rest of it
  19. checking in Pat on your progress.........amazing!
  20. catching up on your progress Michael...........the parts you create always amazes me. such wonderful work!
  21. looks great Nenad.....so glad to see your back at the table again!
  22. I use enamels, so I wouldn't encounter that problem, unless I added too much thinner. I'm not sure if acrylics are like this, but metallic enamels are very slow drying.........even after 12 hours, the threat of finger prints is quite high. I've taken to give it a coat of flat lacquer, to counter the shine and give it a hard finish. it's been a few years now, but I did this to another 1:96 kit...the U.S.S. United States, and it came out really nice. I even went further and made wooden decks for her. she sits in the closet still. about a year ago, I bought the U.S.S. Constitution.....private sale....for $15.00....I have plans for these two, since the Connie has the stern quarters parts, while the United States does not. both of these are second builds for me there is a gentleman here that has done great things with the 1:96 Cutty kit, building at least five different clipper ships from the kit hulls......how he came by all these kits is still a mystery.......he probably told me, but I forget. here is the link to one of his projects: enjoy
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