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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. there are various forms of sampson posts and fife rails, which is what you have pictured above. I have a few pictures of the ship, but they don't show these aspects very well. I'm going with what the Billing supplied parts produce........once the deck is sealed, I can start fitting out the deck layout. I like what you did with the dead eyes.......not sure what I want to do, but I may just keep with the supplied parts here as well. very nice progress!
  2. thanks Lawrence.......I had a very nice B-day.....kinda stunk that I had to work, but the evening made it all worth while! I did finally get back to the table.......but there has been an {hopefully} interesting turn of events. I will post soon! thank you as well Hlipplaa. I have some ideas I want to throw at this build.....should give it some cool detail. the Half Moon is in turn......I need to fix the bottom paint first, as there are some thing I'm not happy with. I hope that by getting back to the table, I can start the ball rolling again. I thank you for your interest....the momentum will pick up, I'm sure
  3. I've done that as well.....I use a decal bonder on mine to lock in the ink jet image. the decal can be painted over though, I've not had any problems doing it. with all the variants of any one color, it's hard to get'em just right. I've tried it.......and scrapped many of my attempts. if you have another set, take a razor and score the affected area......then when the decal is ready to apply, remove the scored area, and apply. something to try.......maybe?
  4. your build looks really great with the added fittings.......I like the deck shot once you finish the repairs to the aft deck, then there will be nothing to distract from it masting will be a huge step forward, it will be very interesting to see!
  5. thank you Lawrence. I know some find these boats {plastic or metal} in their kits, and lament. I just hope I've shown them that this minus can be turned into a plus. I've always said that bash is the basic form of scratch building. learn this, and they'll be scratch'in before they know it! I do apologize though....I have not been to active of late. this summer has really put a crimp on my style. I hope to pick up where I left off soon thanks for the good word!
  6. with the supply of blister pacs today......there's a never ending supply of clear cello. I keep some of the weird shapes around, just in case there's a call for a curved window. I like how you etched it.....a really cool effect that's an awful lot of tree nailing. it does give her some sweet looking detail......she's coming along very nice....stern looks great!
  7. the same thing happened to me with a set of decals......{what process do you use Remco} can you simply touch up the '9'...seems to be the only sticky wicket looks great Piet!
  8. http://maryanndrydock.wordpress.com/2011/08/16/the-mary-ann-part-1/ you should be able to view all of the logs with this link.....just click on the months on the right. the odd thing about this site, is they show the links to other logs at the bottom of the page, but they are not in order usually. I hope you find them helpfull
  9. looks like you got some really great pointers.......the jig is a good idea to insure they're all the same size
  10. glad you posted your progress .....be proud of your accomplishments. have you had any luck in getting those templates of the gun port arrangements?
  11. this is a great hull to work with......I made the M&M boat with the same hull it's got some nice bones, if you want to bash her a little. I have a set of build logs that I did on the Word Press site...they go a little more in depth.... I can give you the link if you like. I mentioned the Cux 87......I got a few ideas from that build....you should go to the Billing's site and look over the instructions for that kit {you can even download them}. it's the same hull, just fitted differently.
  12. you have some great detail in the main structure........as well as the cage. don't fall victim to the 'own worst critic' syndrome.......just remember......"I did that" it looks great, you know! remember.....I'm taking notes for when I do my PT boat
  13. the window.......a perfect distraction but, you think about it......it might just serve you well. put a fan in the window to act as an exhaust, and you'll be able to paint and sand, without all the fumes and dust a fine sturdy bench......with drawers to organize your tools......I'm Jealous! looking forward to your build of the E.C.B.
  14. scratch building......oh, go ahead..........{you know you want to} {devil horns spiking through} it can be a wonderful tool........it can build creativity. you may not realize it...but your build has some in it bash is a mild form......making do with the supplied parts. I'd say by looking at your build.....your up for the task nice progress, by the way
  15. wow Augie.......the deck looks super! the color looks nice as well looks to me....you gave her a very nice anniversary present! not much more to go.......
  16. hi there Gundorph.....looking pretty good with your build . I built this boat as well.....a very fun build to do. I also built the Cux 87 {basically the same hull}. I have logs here that you can look up. I wish I can say more at the moment, but I have to get ready for work
  17. Man! can ya see straight!? those rigging assemblies are mind boggling! you have done a splendid job with this build....and almost done to boot! .....few more lines. superb workmanship!
  18. nice looking masts {parts}..........going to look really good when they are assembled
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