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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. B.E. has a point there........are there hawse holes in the bow? {I'll have to look at my kit to see}. other than that.......I think you've done a splendid jog so far! rigging looks great as well. if you don't plan on doing sails.........the yards straight across is good. if your going to do sails, a neat little detail point would be to turn the yards port or starboard {whichever is her better side}......about 20 degrees in that direction {or as close to it as the ratlines will allow}. if both sides are good ........I can't help you there
  2. yes Augie.......I do you can also see where my guitar carpet ended up.....the admiral finally got her way I was sad to see that I didn't learn my lesson. the grain of that center area I filled in is going the wrong way........the humidity in the garage caused it to buckle. I can still save it.......it's just going to be a bit more work. I'm happy with the outer hull though.......even though it feels rough from the primer, the hull has a real nice shape. there's only a couple small areas I need to touch up on............another sanding..........and then the second primer. I was quite happy with how the Nordkap came out {when I goofed on not cementing between the planks}.......so I might give this a coat of diluted white glue {and a fine sanding} before I paint the color coat. you can also see the minute crack at the bow stem.........another product of my leaving it out there for so long. I'm hoping I can get back to her soon John.........I can get back in the saddle..........but, can I ride?
  3. the way Chuck shows the assembly of those dead eyes is really cool. an added step you could do, is to trim the wood sprues from the center layer, before cementing the outer layer in place. it would cut down on the finish trimming before the tumbler. the build looks great Adam.........you've picked up the pace without a stumble yea.....it's never good to make any changes in the finishing process. you kept such a nice even tone from bow to stern. almost done with the length is good to hear........and especially nice to hear that soon, you'll be tackling the height! very nice!
  4. simply fabulous Daniel.........your diorama is a huge slice of daily life on a sailing ship. so much action packed into that small frame! congratz, my friend...... very well done!
  5. well......I'd say your little inconvenience didn't hold you back! looks really good you can refine the ports while you do the second planking. are you going to do the wales and rails before you do the second planking? if your second planking is .5 mm, there would still be sufficient rise in the different thickness of wood. they can also be used as a guide..........like banding the different quadrants.
  6. looking good Ron......the divisions of wood grain and color is really eye catching. you did invite more work for yourself though, putting the brass on before the color.........just means that you'll need to be a biut more careful in painting. very nice jog so far !
  7. I tried my hand at embossing sail cloth. made up the design with the decal maker program {size, color, etc} and ran the cloth through the printer. perhaps you can create the flags with paint shop and do the same thing. http://wenzelswharftips.wordpress.com/2014/04/29/embossing-sails-part-1/
  8. looks superb Bob.........your a lot farther than you let on lots of metal detail throughout........nicely done!
  9. well.......at least you have the smart phone, to take your mind off the ants.........sad to hear about your friend
  10. looking very nice indeed Dave! I like the way the hull decorations came out.........really add to her looks!
  11. the concept of the dead eyes all being of equal height, has become the norm in model ship building. there are many techniques out there, all aimed at achieving the same result. you've done a great job of it Nils.........if any of them are a minute bit off, then you've achieved the more advanced technique of 'optical detailing'
  12. thanks to every one and the likes........now that I got this computer up and running again.......feels so good to be able to hit the like button again! I'm just glad that my coming in here the other day, didn't affect the site. I lost the use of functions here on the site........highlighted ad words......ad squares that wouldn't show up until you passed the cursor over them {I did my best to x'em all out}. I knew I was in trouble, because I showed the admiral that it was happening to all of my websites. after that I got off the net and tried to do searches to isolate and delete the culprits......that was a complete s***show! now I have Vista, and I am almost back to normal. I thank my admiral {who would've liked to kill me a couple of time there...} it IS a good thing we don't live on the third floor......it would have been so cool to see it hit the pavement! gussets........another good word for them.......thanks Augie! thanks Mark, Adam, and John for the good word! thanks Sjors.......I needed the nudge......the race car wasn't hitt'in the spot mo' sawdust..........com'in right up! thanks Nils............say? how about you get that Cux sea worthy.........we'll run out an' get us some fin......whadya say?!?! thank you for the good word. funny.....there was an ad for a job on a lobster boat, the admiral read about.......ohhhhhh, don't I wish I could change careers like that {snap} thanks for the good word Keith and Wayne....at the moment.......definitely sawfish! I'll get more into the more delicate catches later on awwwww......it was only a small cut Mobbsie......not even 1/4 inches long thanks for the good word, my friend. all good reasons why we do it careful with the sweet words, sugarbumps......your liable to make me break out into poem I'm rubb'in Dave.........I'm rubb'in..........Honey........can you bring me the cheeze grater.........thanks for the good word! {I can even use emoticons again,,,,,,,,,,,,,whooopee! the greatest show on earth!
  13. ohhhh wait! was that a wood pixie? darn........I hate it when they throw the sawdust in your face :D a Sultana......depending on the scale and how much you want to put into her.......that's pretty ambitious it's a tough question.......some folks can really put the time in, on a plastic build, adding detail that the kit lacks. but considering what needs to be done, I would say that a wood build takes longer. on a build like that......at best, you can double the time factor. sailing ship or fishing boat........the type of vessel you going to do, will also indicat how long it will take to build it. but, I will say this.......be careful with time frames.......they can suck the life out of any build. this hobby isn't based on how long it takes.....it's based on enjoyment. to rush through a build, you can miss out on total comprehension of some {if not all} of the techniques, in building a wooden ship. folks model for a variety of reasons......but the best reason by far, is that you want to see that box of sticks and parts come alive. take the time to savor and enjoy this wonderful medium of ours your coming along quite nicely with the build. you really know how to tempt someone..........don't you
  14. hee....hee........that's the same reaction I got from my admiral, after she saw what the wood builds look like. only two of my build left the house......and she hated to see them go! I simply told her........get me another kit sounds like a splendid place for her to reside.
  15. so well understood Matti....I've been on hiatus as well..........I've just recently gotten back to the table. feels great making sawdust again hope to see you back soon.
  16. gonna look great with the rigging very nice photos you've done there. pretty simple and effective slip.........I used to make my own as well. now I have one of those Billing's slips. it's OK in the beginning.......but once you get to a certain point, it's outlived it's usefulness . by that time though, I usually have built the stand, and then I just tranfer it to the stand it'a a great looking vessel Vivian.........really interesting!
  17. the deck came out fantastic Augie........I really like how the galley floor looks mated up to it very nice color tone!
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