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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. coming from a plastic background.......I see no real difference between the two. a person working in either medium, has learned the skills to make do with the materials at hand. when I took my hiatus from modeling, I was just learning about plastruct and evergreen products. I would use everything in the kits.........the runners {sprues} made for excellent roll cages and frames for drag and race cars. your making good resolve with your plastic knowledge Andy.........the ship looks better and better.....every time I see it!
  2. it's all progress, my friend. lots of folks don't understand...perhaps if they picked up an x-actor, they might find that inner child, that's crying to get out! your best just the way you are......... I sit at home with a 30 pack........and I'm just as content you'll be back up to speed in no time.
  3. I've only done two ships with the polished hemp........they are the Nordkap and the Cux 87....I think I have them both in the gallery. Hemp would be a hard thread to work with, doing a ship the likes of what your doing.......but I'll bet it would be interesting besides being stiff to work with, it can be of uneven thickness, coming off the skein. I've had to cut sections out because it would have been too thick to rig through a block........the sections I could salvage, I had to be sure that there was enough to use on that particular bit of rigging. hemp was used in colonial days for a wide variety of things......rope, as a form of burlap, and even clothes. it does have it's limitations, rigging mistakes must be kept at a minimum. but for all the trouble I went through to use it....I was quite satisfied with the fact that it looks like real rope. it doesn't get any closer than this you can find it at any craft store....it can come in different colors, and I have found it in different thicknesses.
  4. looks very good Max.........I'm not an expert with this era of rigging. it does look like one line is a bit fouled on the spirit boom.......one appears to be wrapped around another. if you chose to correct this, be sure not to put too much stress on the second step of the mast. the shrouds and back stays are going to pull back on the mast, and may put undo stress on the bow spirit. are there to be any spirit stays? I should look at my rigging sheet for the Billing's Half Moon, and see if they do. your doing a super job!
  5. sorry to hear of your loss.....time now is the best medicine. glad to see your back in the ship yard.......nice update
  6. I have quite a few rolls of the billing's thread......after a few 'adjustments' it starts to get rather fuzzy. I'm not a big fan of bees wax either, so I look for other alternatives. the poly threads seem to work well for me. some of the brass parts lead a lot to be desired as well. I have not used their stanchions........are you going to drill a hole near the tip {or in the tip}, so you can install eyelets?'
  7. I experienced some off filterings in my pictures as well. it depends how the light is aimed......and in what proximity I've taken the picture. I don't use flash either.......never had to. I have another crane light, that I fasten to the other table, but I dropped it when I did that stupid move {that never happened}........I also need to replace the fixture, for the second time. I bought one, but when I installed it, I think I tightened it too much......the on - off knob is very hard to turn. enough of my lighting issues I have stained thread {rope} and used diluted white glue to seal it with some success. I've also done standing rigging.....using India Ink....this works pretty well too. I have also used a polished hemp. it is a bit stiff, but can be fashioned with finger compression. I do like how it looks.........looks as real as rope can be......
  8. sorry to see and hear about the bun lid......they are small differences.......but if your not happy with it, then I guess it will the next time we see it. your making progress........very nice!
  9. when I built my Connie, so many years ago..........and then the United States, for that matter......I had no idea that Revell left out these important parts. gun deck capstan....riding bits, chain pumps.........gonna make this second United States build much more interesting nice work Dave.......what is the overall height of the capstan?
  10. deck planking looks great Sjors.......very nice color you did a great job with the tree nailing. it adds so much to the decking.
  11. I got a bunch of those little electric motors.........be glad to send ya some what she might lack in detail........she excels in ingenuity! oh....I know you still have more to do......but when your finished with it.......it's going to look like a right-smart piece of equipment! very nice work Andy!
  12. you started!!!! I knew you couldn't wait :D looks very good.......do what works best for you and take your time. there is one rule though regarding rigging...........taught, but not tight very nice indeed!
  13. :D I was going to do a shark's mouth on my lobster boat......but john talked me out of it. I have some decals from a P-51 Mustang model :D I wouldn't think there's a better way to get the proper camber for the structure.........that is a pretty sweet idea great update Tim.......she's looking swell. camo would look cool....but no.....they didn't all look like that.......did'em in the field, as they saw fit.
  14. that's why.........by the time I go to these places........I have a very long wish list as I mentioned before, I never liked to go to these places......the admiral used to drag me there. of course, I'd give her ideas as we went along, when the initial shock had passed. it wasn't until I got into this hobby, that my eyes were opened wide. so much potential, in the stuff I pushed aside
  15. so.......your going to do it......GOOD FOR YOU!!! with the amount of quality you have in this build, I couldn't see why not {I know you were debating whether or not to do this} gonna look sweet ..............as with you current progress. nicely done!!
  16. steady as she goes Den.......don't be worried about those knots. I'm not an knot expert either. one of these days, you'll do them without even trying.........but for now, just do what you know. your doing fine!! just set up a mock mast with a few shrouds and practice .....perhaps I'll even follow my OWN advice
  17. hey Kip! run {rum}.....................too much.????...........NAWWWWWW.......never enough!! my doctor always told me to drink plenty of fluids.... I told him "I do........12 & 16 oz at a time! "
  18. standing rigging first...........some of the running rigging lines will need to be tied to these lines in one way or another. a lot of folks start the rigging from the mizzen to the bow, I've had good luck going from bow to stern.....so it's probably not a hard rule. I guess it depends on what you want to do in that case. but yes.......standing rigging first, shrouds and ratlines second, and the running rigging last
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