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Everything posted by druxey

  1. One, you are correct in not letting the garboard creep up the stem. Two, you seem to have a good fit to the rabbet in picture two. I recommend that the curve on the edge that abuts the second strake be make more gradual before spiling and fitting the second strake. Starting the curve as far back as the right edge of the photo should be about right.
  2. For half or quarter round parts, have you considered gluing up pieces, turning them, then dissolving the glue in a suitable solvent? Then there is no kerf to consider or waste.
  3. Check out Model Expo (Model Shipways) Lowell dory kit.
  4. Would 'painting' the nailheads be easier with a brown fine-tip Pigma marker pen? The wood effect looks really great, Clare!
  5. There is quite a bit of discussion of the colors used on French ships in The Color Blue in Historic Shipbuilding by Joachim Müllerschön Originally in German, titled Die Farbe Blau im historischen Schiffbau: von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Full disclosure: I was the translation editor.
  6. It seems very atypical the way it was drafted. I'd concur with Mr. Cleek. And wrestling a 6" thick plank bow and stern would be a mighty task: it would have to be tapered in thickness.
  7. Casting detail with lead-free pewter is improved by dusting the mold with talcum powder first. Also have sufficient weight of metal in the gunhead so that the mold is well-filled. (The full size cannon were cast this way.) Don't forget the air escape vents!
  8. Interesting use of tape for drawing smooth curves on a curved surface! Had you considered thread and dilute white glue instead of tape to line out on the model? As for gun deck planking, you are master shipwright. As long as you plank in the spirit of the Falconer engraving, no-one will be able to fault you.
  9. Lovely work as ever, Keith! At least you spotted the valves before rigging her.
  10. Contraband smuggled in by HM boats? Whose side were they on?
  11. Curse those typographical shags!!!!
  12. Enjoy the family while you can - they grow up and out more quickly than you imagine! Nice work stropping those blocks.
  13. Lt Morrison's invention probably sank without trace - along with hundreds of other 'improvements' submitted to the Admiralty by hopeful inventors in the 1800's.
  14. Beautifully done: I'm just disappointed that you won't leave more of that lovely framing exposed.
  15. Well, as nothing seems to be available, how about trying to make it yourself?
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