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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Tom, Ah.. but she's a fine looking ship, sir. I raise a tankard in salute. Ok.. it's coffee, but the idea and sentiment are valid. If you want to use brass, a drill or Dremel will work along with files. I used that method on my Constellation as I didn't have a lathe at that point.
  2. That is some great work. The problem is, it won't look right in a display case like your cross section will.
  3. Jim, I haven't said much but I have to admit that I look forward to seeing your paintings when I log on. Just amazing work.
  4. If nothing else, give some thought to donating them to museums or libraries. You can get a tax write off if you're State side.
  5. Interesting light effect. I tend to prefer "natural" light myself but being winter here with an early sunset, it makes that rather hard.
  6. The "like" is for your work, Patrick. You have my sympathies for the loss of your mother. Edit: just discovered numerous typos.
  7. The railings look pretty perfect from here, Moxis. But then, things never look perfect to us when we're building.
  8. This might help... http://tmg110.tripod.com/royal_std.htm
  9. Is that the "red" mahogany? I like what you have chosen to do for the hull even if much of it won't be seen when it's turned over. I'm looking forward to seeing what's next.
  10. I'm just following along quietly, Denis and enjoying the ride. Lovely and creative work you're doing.
  11. Nenad, That appears to be a good plan. Sometimes at exact scale, things don't look quite right. Your eyes will be the best judge.
  12. Welcome to MSW, Keith, from a former Buckeye. Local hobbyshops seem to only carry AL kits for some reason. Have a look around here (the front page has a pile of links to various on line resources) and you'll see kits from all over.
  13. That sounds like a great trip, Pat. Take plenty of photos for us to drool over.
  14. Looking great from here, Piet. I'm wagering that the searchlight will turn up just after you have painted and/or installed the mast. Seems that things work that way.
  15. Sam, congratulations. You seem to have met "the one". Your ship is looking very dapper and I hope you get some more time on her. As for work.. yeah.. takes all the fun out of things sometimes.
  16. Welcome back, Doris. The plastic models are wonderful. Thanks for the links. The work on Royal Katherine is amazing.
  17. Thanks for the comments and the likes. Well, reworking the cannons are out I can't reliably jig them into any tool I have for turning without damaging them or the cannon suddenly rotating on the cascabel. Oh well... I have 12 of the 24 carriages (wood parts only) assemble. Fiddly things and since the upper deck(s) guns are even smaller, I'm going to go with a different design. Once all 24 are assembled, I'll add the hardware, blacken the barrels and install them. Drilling for the eyebolts, making the training rig, etc. will follow. For those keeping score, hull is pierced for 26 ports on the gundeck, but the French (as this point in time) left them unfilled for access to anchor cables, etc. Also, there two are on the forward side of the stoves/kitchens and room to work them (and for recoil) is limited. I'll post some progress photos once the carriages are assembled and also as I make them ready with all the hardware, etc.
  18. Interesting method, Gaetan. I too am curious how this works out. Fascinating idea...
  19. I'll answer what I can... but it's been a long time.... The two Starboard Stern Timbers... use the Port and just flip the drawing. The other parts I don't think we ever had as far as plans. The -481 sheets were pulled and replaced. You might look through the Full Build logs and see what the others have done.
  20. Indeed what Carl said. She does look to be a speedy vessel. Beautiful work, Pat.
  21. Which ship? The thickness/width, etc. was a function of ship type, nation, contracts, and size (length and breadth).
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