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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I've found that once the coil is shaped (either on a jig, my preference, or on ship) a nice coating of 50-50 water and white glue will let it be shaped and draped and when dry, it holds the position.
  2. It may not be the glue. Try roughing up the bonding area with some sandpaper to give the wood some "tooth".
  3. Start by posting here on MSW, Dave. There is a forum for clubs and maybe put a "teaser" in your signature.
  4. What Frank said, Patrick. She looks great.. and very tiny or you have very large hands.
  5. Some of that is artistic license. There's other times the guns were fully run out such as stoning the deck or just to provide room for the crew to move about. Even for ventilation.
  6. I think a bit more information is needed... warship or commercial? How large is the ship? Rigging dimensions would have based on era, type of ship, and size.
  7. Wonderful work, Nenad, and they are so small. Almost ship-in-a-bottle scale.
  8. You don't have save the PDF as it gets updated regularly.
  9. Derek, I think you're looking for this one: MidshipCrossSection481.pdf and this one: MidshipCrossSection@48-12.pdf
  10. To search for kits, go here: Pick "wooden ship kits" Under "Fly", you'll find 10 logs listed. Sadly, the search engine here at MSW needs 4 characters to search on. It's actually not a bug.
  11. Hi John, Welcome to MSW. Post your finished build pics in the Gallery https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/
  12. I wouldn't try polystyrene just because of the fumes.. there's also the possibility of it catching fire. I've heard some horror stories of late.
  13. Try zu Monfeld's "Historic Ship Models"... gives a good overview of this without being too specific.
  14. Ah... the tech has really improved from the film days and working in darkroom. We often didn't know what we would get until the image had been developed and printed. Today... pffft... we click, we see. I do like your set up for photos. Make that I do like your shop and the set up for photos.
  15. As too the sails... I'm not sure. Someone more versed in sails and rigging than I would be needed. Up until my last (Triton Cross Section) and my current project, they've all been kits and I blindly followed directions although I had help sorting out getting Constellation's rigging right. AL's instructions were sorely lacking to say the least. But then, that kit was lacking anything resembling accuracy. As the story goes, AL didn't spin Oocre off. AL's owner moved to Vietnam and took the company with him and left the staff behind. I'm not sure that's the 100% truth but given the number of times I've heard it, I suspect it's something those lines. So other than "former employer" and perhap wood and style choice, Oocre is a different company.
  16. I shudder to think about using buckets. Thanks for the reminder about not being armored on top. And 26" isn't much room. I'm thinking the gunports sound reasonable for provisioning. Rate of fire didn't seem to be an issue with guns of the time as the few battles involving them were rather slow affairs and the guns did more damage than old 32 pounders. Merrimac and Monitor's famous confrontation seems fit this but crew training was blamed there. For the rivers, it would seem a broadside would be impractical.
  17. Pavel, IF shortening the sail would "solve" the problem (for some value of "solve), could you trim it and re-stitch. AL in the past pulled some sloppy quality control (still do) and Occre is all former AL designers, etc.
  18. Sorry about the Admiral, Denis. I know how that goes. But, you've done some very nice work (and a great fix on the stern).
  19. I've been back 3 times to look at your last post, Danny. It looks like anything but paper. My mind is properly boggled.
  20. I'm curious John. Was she plated on hurricane deck? Many (most?) weren't which created some serious issues as the Union found out at Fort Donelson and a couple of others where the Confederates had the high ground. If it wasn't iron cladded, they might just removed the deck planking for reprovisioning but that doesn't help getting the barrels/bags, etc. down to the Commissary room and for securing other stores such as powder and shot.
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