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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Keith, A good step by step is here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/760-how-to-add-a-build-log-link-to-your-signature/ Nice workshop...
  2. Off and running (or maybe making sawdust) and looking grand, Alan. I imagine you're pretty chuffed right now to be underway.
  3. Walter, Good to hear back as I was wondering if everything is ok. When the turbulence settles, you'll know it's time to get back to the model. I'm happy to hear Linda is stable and you're finding time to take care of you.
  4. Your work area is better stocked than some of the hobby shops I've been in, Jim.
  5. I find it's not hard, Jeff. What is a kit? Some wood, some string, some plans, and some usually very bad instructions unless it's one of new ones*. In this case, you source the plans, the wood, etc. It's not overwhelming if you just think of it as a series of steps. I actually wrote down a series of steps/mileposts before I began. Well, that list has expanded and things moved around a bit. But that works. Thanks for the complement. My goal is to build this one the best I can and the next one will be even better. *I do hear good things about the instructions written by Chuck, Dusek, and Maristella. I hope other companies will pay attention.
  6. Thanks for the "likes" and the comments. I quite agree George. The big carving will finish it off, although I'm still thinking about the other things that are not clear on the drawings. This was just a simple 8-pd frigate. I'm either going to do an acanthus leaf "thingie" on the lower part of the taffrail or maybe a vine type of thing. Leaving it plain has a certain appeal also... Thanks Mobbsie. I think she has a nice bum also. Thanks Carl. I wasn't too sure how it was going to come out. If not for some some advice in the background on some issues it probably would have not been a pretty sight. I've not worked with any other maple at this point, Sam. It seems to work about the same as boxwood, maybe pear. It's hard but does take a bend with a little persuasion. It seems to take an edge well and it's almost as white (and a lot cheaper) than holly. I do? I think the ship's looks better than mine.
  7. I think, that if you go with the wood, use several pieces and scarf them together. Whatever you feel good about doing, test on some scrap first. You might even find that the 3/16" wide wood will work for you.
  8. I like what you're doing and the LED's should be a great addition. Looks intriguing at this point and headed to fantastic.
  9. Stunning work, Johann. I can't believe all the detail you have packed into these small boats.
  10. Ron, Quick question.... are any lights coming on? Exterior? Motherboard? Reseat all PS connectors first. Get a meter and check the power supply. I've seen the PS's die and they're fairly cheap and simple to replace. Lastly, it could be the power button is bad.
  11. Craig, What Jud said. Wait for reviews. We've had several topics on some these over the years. There was one, and I can't find it so it may have been lost in the Great Crash, but it was red and mostly plastic. Underpowered, parts didn't quite fit, etc. Unimat is the only one I've ever seen recommended and usualy the old, discontinued model. A caveat on reviews... there's been much about these in certain media sources that often the reviews are written by paid reviewers to extoll the virtues. So be cautious about the raves and also about the extreme negatives as some of those are paid for by competitors.
  12. Brian, They could have been only 1.5 feet tall. But that's only if the hammock was rolled and then folded in half, which some navies did. I'm not sure if the American's did though. Might ask this here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/forum/13-ships-plans-and-project-research-general-research-on-specific-vessels-and-ship-types/ i wonder what the replica has? I think I'll do some Googling. Edit: The photos of her on the web show that the 1.5 foot high hammock rails seem to be right. For example: http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/05/13/22/3f/erie-maritime-museum.jpg
  13. Denis, I apologize for not commenting more. Life has been getting in the way of many things of late.
  14. A minor update, model wise. A biggie for me. The stern is more or less complete. It still needs the carvings and the taffrail needs the finials but those are in-work and may be that way for some time as I move on to other things. I carve while waiting for glue to dry, etc. I was playing with the camera and some settings... here's the inboard side of the stern unplanked and then planked in silver maple. I'm using the maple where things would have been white-washed. The planked version also shows part of the taffrail installed. From the outboard side with part taffrail installed. This is the two other pieces of the taffrail on the scroll saw using the ScrollSander to clean off the laser char and finesse the fit. The final finessing was using a file and sanding sticks. And with the full taffrail installed. It needs a bit of cleanup and some wipe-on poly, but I'll that when get the carvings ready. The quarter galleries need to be built also before finishing. It's a bit off (about 1mm on the port side) but I'll live with it. All in all, I'm pretty chuffed about this as it was a big learning curve. I wanted the joinery perfect.. not quite there yet but to my eye, it looks good. Next up is the rudder while I sort out the quarter galleries. These have a bit of unusual shape in that they curve out past the stern and then back to the hull, like a half circle only not... Hard to explain but I'm researching and sorting it out.
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