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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Like many things in life, Nenad, there's a compromise. A bit overscale won't hurt the final appearance and it's better to have the strength you need than to get way beyond this and suddenly the part breaks.
  2. Wonderful work to see, Gerhard. Production work like this is never that much fun but when you figure out how do it, the rewards are well worth it.
  3. I don't think we're going to listen to you, Piet when you say, "I've never done this". Maybe you haven't but you definitely have the talent and the knack for it.
  4. Joe, See Danny's log: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/11747-hms-vulture-1776-cross-section-by-dan-vadas-148-scale-from-tffm-books/?p=391772
  5. I thought re-do's were part of modelshipbuilding? Like sort of mandatory.. I feel your pain and understand it, though.
  6. Your efforts paid off well, Nenad. The pinrail is perfect.
  7. Lovely, just lovely, Paul. I find the mast wedges interesting as they are different from what the English used.
  8. Uh, Robbyn.. I like the idea but don't copy what's on the plans with the copper. The plans are flat and your hull is curved. Line off the hull per the plans (much like spiling) and work the copper that way. If you'll go to the Victory and Contitution sites and look at the copper, you'll see they are really "even" and straight. The copper has to be fitted due to the curve of the hull.
  9. Nice looking ship's bell... is it wood or metal? Either way, it's great.
  10. Jan, The small table saw I have has dado washers which make the blade wobble a pre-determined distance depending the washer I use. So usually, it's just one pass. So if you set the board.as shown, you should be able to get what you want. Use the miter to get it through the cut and keep things straight. Crude drawing....
  11. Jesse, I hope you start feeling bettter. As George said, there's no deadline. I think there's merit to our critters knowing when we're ill or even upset. Our previous dog and our current one insist(ed) on snuggling up with which ever one of us was having a sick day or any kind of trauma. The new dog senses Janet having a bad pain day will just lay on her foot to let her know she's there.
  12. Jan, cut the mortice at 90 degrees to the board. You'll probably need to make several passes and then clean up with a file.
  13. Mike, When you come back to this, have it moved to the Scratch area since it is a scratch build by definition. I hope you can find what you need and resume it one of these days.
  14. I agree with Mike.. that is an amazing website, Alexandru. And Victory just keeps getting better and better.
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