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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Looking good, Mike. I'm just catching up a bit. Personally I hate the double planking and false gunports.. If they go to that much trouble, why not just make the gundecks fully open with "real" guns? Then again, after doing that on my Constellation, I realize that I am nuts....
  2. No. No. No... not after they break. Bad words and blue air are a given. What were you doing when they broke?
  3. Brilliant idea on the bamboo. The only use I've seen until now is for treenails but this is opening some possibilities.... many possibilities.
  4. I can only repeat what the others have said. Have a good week and hopefully we can be patient here in the gallery.
  5. Congratulations Håkan on the grandchild. I like your steamer. and like Carl says, there might be other uses.. I'm thinking keeping warm in winter and keeping lunch hot.
  6. What are you doing when they break? I've used cherry for framing and also boxwood and both will break if mis-handled.. delicate things they be.
  7. Here's some of what I could find on it via Google... http://www.woodmagazine.com/materials-guide/lumber/wood-species-1/avocado/ http://www.avocadosource.com/CAS_Yearbooks/CAS_28_1943/CAS_1943_PG_25.pdf It is apparently hard to get although some do make furniture from it.
  8. Beautiful work, Pete. Stunningly so. She reminds of a certain Ferrari that appears to be doing 100 mph just sitting at the curb.
  9. Looks pretty perfect to me, Nenad. I'm in awe that you're doing this without power tools. It's amazing work and it looks like the spice is flowing again.
  10. I've read accounts where at times the lines were very long. Those at the back of the line, if they couldn't wait any longer would go out in the channels, drop the pants to half-mast and let fly.. so to speak. Pissdales would also have lines at times. Other times, no lines, no waiting. There's an excellent thesis here on the topic: http://nautarch.tamu.edu/Theses/pdf-files/Simmons-MA1985.pdf
  11. Now why would the horses in the first picture be saddled? It's not like anyone's going ride one across the lake... I think...
  12. You're worming and serving???? I think this is first time I've seen the lines being wormed. At least it's only two sets of those lids, Palladio. And the lids do look great. Admirals do have a way with us, don't they?
  13. That's a good question Joe, You might have a go and ask here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/12827-model-expo-has-got-wind-in-its-sails/#entry390098 I'm thinking it is the same....
  14. Michael, I concur with with everyone else. Add my vote to the "what does he mean 'not good'?" crowd.
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