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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Nice work on the rigging. I thought the Wasa had nightmare rigging but the SOS rigging is beyond that.
  2. RMC, I can't answer your question, but you might ask it in the Painting and Finishing area.
  3. Popeye, we all hope more shows up. Daniel is teaching us a lot about how these ships not only looked but how they worked. Daniel, Excellent work and research.
  4. Nice setup work. That is going to be a huge cross-section. Now unless I'm wrong... will building the frames be called "frames set-up"? Need to know in case I pull one of these and my Admiral asks.
  5. Kooyu, Welcome back. So much was lost, but the friendship remains. We're all working to rebuild MSW and having a great time doing it. I'm looking forward to seeing your excellent build again. This time, we all make new memories.
  6. Mati, It's great to see the return of your build. I love the carvings.
  7. Beautiful work on the stern section, Zbigniew. You call it a "Learner". I think it's a master's model.
  8. Fascinating research Dave. I hope you'll continue.
  9. Sjors, just tell yourself that scratching parts is fun. It makes the time go faster. Actually, I lied about the faster part. But it is fun and you make parts that look better than the kit stuff.
  10. Augie, I'm just now catching up. Good to see some wonderful progress. I'll forgo the ground groundhog...
  11. I'm finally caught up... and bang!!! broken bits. Sorry to hear this but I know you'll carry one once the frustration wears off. I'll go over to you canoe log..
  12. Danny, Good to see you back in the shop and working on Vulture. The cisterns and placement are interesting in that they look to be abutting the mast.
  13. Alex, Remarkable work. Even more remarkable by the lack of firm information of these ships.
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