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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I think I'll fall back to the "how long is a piece of string".... The term "best" is relative. What's best for you may not be best for me and vice versa. We have scale tall ships here from 1:400 (ships in bottles) to 1:24 for a 74 (I think it's a 74...gotta' check) and it's huge. Each of these is "best" for the person building them.
  2. Nice deck... no dremel tool for you on this one.... nope... This calls for the real-deal!
  3. Toni, Good catch and excellent fix. If you hadn't told us, we wouldn't have known.
  4. Chris, Here's info that might help: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/138-re-post-of-info-on-barrelcasks-sizes/
  5. Joe, You are correct. If I were in the market for a table saw, guess what I would be buying?
  6. Jay, I tried a couple of frames to cut out the individual pieces and build the frames like say, the Triton and the Swan class ships. Ended up doing the Hahn way. I ended up with a nice scrapbox full of kindling for the fireplace. One way saves wood, the other time. On this ship, I choose to save time. Lots of nice woods out there that less expensive than boxwood... cherry and pear are two that look good to my eyes.
  7. Very nicely done, Colin. What did you end up using for the scroll work? I can't tell from the pictures and I may have missed your saying in the text.
  8. Sergey, Very nice work you are doing. I like the way you improve the bad parts.
  9. Michael, Your clean build and attention to all the details makes this a masterpiece. I'm enjoying watching this log progress.
  10. As someone once put it a long time ago... "a clean desk is the sign of work not being done". Or maybe it was "a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind"???? What Keith said about needing a cleaning again soon. That is a nice work area, clean or dirty.
  11. Matti, Some ships (mostly warships) were planked on the inside of the weather deck bulwarks. Some weren't. There's no hard and fast rule on this. The extra planking gave some protection to the deck crews from grapeshot, canister, and assorted small arms fire. The Berlin seems to be one that had the planking.
  12. Rich, Good luck on Monday. Hopefully, you can get some work done on the model this weekend to take some of the pressure off...
  13. Wonderful work, Keith. The loss of a camera with un-saved pics is hard to take. But, please continue to share your log. The Hind is a fascinating ship.
  14. Thanks for looking in and the support, everyone. When I saw this, I realised the fore and quarter decks will be the real canvas for the work. Christian, I had thought about it but then I recalled the Admiral's directive: completely planked, no "unfinished look".
  15. Tony, I have the MM saw. The slitting blades use the adapter. And yes, MM seems pricey on blades, etc. I too am looking for another source....
  16. Played with a mockup of how much of the gundeck will really be seen. It was a real eye-opener to me. The first pic show both the foredeck and quarterdeck and walkways mocked up and on "beams" The second shows how much is actually visable. Based on this, there's not going to be a MkV deck, but I do want that whole deck smooth as a baby's backside. And all appropriate furniture in place. Back to sanding and sanding and sanding and.....
  17. Popeye, She's looking grand with her finery hanging the breeze. I'm enjoying watching this build and the fun you're having with it.
  18. Nice work on the hull and lovely carving work. What kind of wood are you using for the carvings?
  19. Nice work, Andy. If nothing else, if you don't add the blocks, you (and the rest of us) will know they're not there. But presumably, we can keep this secret... or not. But no pressure, no guilt. The pics were worth the wait.
  20. Yes, an Oscar is required for this.... and maybe an acceptance speech?
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