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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Joss, I'm looking forward to seeing the rework from the knowledge gained. We're all learning from you and the others doing CAD work.
  2. The only thing I can is that your work is in a class by itself. Incredible.
  3. Sherry, Ratlines are a ways off.... Looks great to see the decks being placed. Lighting, while tricky, is something that can easily be solved. There's several articles in the database on this topic. Your imagination is your best tool for lighting.
  4. Nice work on the ebony. I've seen these done in brass but the ebony really came out nice. Nicer than brass, IMO.
  5. No worries, Mobbsie. That was an honest error as I had to double check before I posted. I hope you'll return the favor when I mess up.
  6. Kevin, Sweet looking work on her. I think you'll surprise yourself and be ready for rigging before you know it. Andy, I think you found the magic incantation for finding lost parts.
  7. The guns look great, Rich. The various lines you're planning will bring them to life. It's great to hear that you're getting callbacks. <still keeping my fingers crossed for you>
  8. Nice work on the ship, Maso. I think those of us not retired feel your pain about not enough building time.
  9. Popeye, I include the following as a public service... the recipe for a Pangalactic Gargleblaster. It's possible that Sjors can make one for you. Recipe Take the juice from one bottle of that Ol' Janx Spirit. Pour into it one measure of water from the seas of Santraginus V. Allow three cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the mixture (it must be properly iced or the benzene is lost). Allow four litres of Fallian marsh gas to bubble through it. Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qalactin Hypermint extract. Drop in the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger. Sprinkle Zamphuor. Add an olive. Drink . . . but . . . very carefully . . .
  10. Augie, On the thread issue... the white glue and water mix work. You might have to play with the percentages so maybe 60% glue/40% water? There's a couple of other tricks.. water-based matte poly lacquer, hairspray. They will all stiffen the thread. If it's to get the "curve" right on the hanging part, brush it on in place and let it dry. The curve should form when it's wet and stay there after it dries. See... I can be non-frivolous...
  11. Hi Robbyn, Catdavits = catheads. BTW, the beak and head timbers are always one of the tougher bits to get right. Sleeping on it is a good idea.
  12. That one looks to be the same as the one Harbor Freight sells. I bought the HF one. The biggest issue I've found is that the angles on the vise aren't dead on. I spent about 30 minutes setting it to 0 degrees to get an honest cut. Just a note.. any power tool should be checked for squareness before using. And then again during use. I keep a protractor and some small drafting triangles handy. I even check the blade on my scroll saw periodically during use to ensure a good 90 degrees from the table. I failed to do that once and cut several frames out that had the cut not at 90 degrees.
  13. Gaps? What gaps? I even zoomed in... It might be better (by some people's definition) to cut the notches off ship, but you do what's right for you. I tried it both ways on mine and found I preferred to do them "on ship" also.
  14. Nice progress, Pete. Use the sanding stick idea for working up the inside and the outside of the hull before you start planking. Putting the keelson on will help with rigidity before sanding.
  15. A fascinating build, Jaro, and very well done. I hope you can find some time to finish her.
  16. Hmm... places like Cornwall won't ship to SA? Though I'm sure the shipping would be an arm and a leg....
  17. Crap! I hope they aren't otherwise we're all in trouble. I gotta' find out if MSW has a brig and are the rations bread and water? Or Brie and wine?
  18. I'm going to have to dig though things to find the cutters. They're buried around here somewhere. Take a look at page 18 of the PDF I referenced. It talks about grinding the cutter. I'm trying to remember who else modifies their tools and had or has pics. One of our scratchbuilders made a duplicator for his lathe and again... brain fart. I'm almost to the point of re-setting up the lathe for cannons.
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