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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Johann, Absolutely amazing and beautifully done. Are you making the nuts and bolts? They look to be threaded.
  2. By the way, Michael, this is bit off topic, The late Roma used to make his mill and router bits for the odd shapes of trim, etc. from nails. He'd pound an area flat, grind and shape that area and them mount the nail in his mill or router.
  3. It appears to be an 18 gun sloop, not a frigate.... hmm.. gotta' go dig.
  4. I got the first one done.. actually I got two done, but the second went flying off into the ether. Must be a space warp or time gate in my workshop.... First pic shows an overall side view. The next one is through a gunport to show it in position. I'm hating the macro.. shows every nick and bit of dirt.... I still need to make the pump rod. And a confession.. that's not metal. The straps are paper and the pipe is some insulation stripped from a wire.
  5. Stunning work. Thanks for showing how the planking was done. Yeah... I blew it on mine..
  6. Michael, If you can't find end mills at a reasonable price, you can use a drill bit by grinding off the point. The other way is take a drill bit, flip it so the non-cutting end is sticking out of the chuck. Use a grinding stone and grind off about half the material on the bit from end to the cutters. You end up with a half-shaft but it works. I used this when I did the bitts on my Triton cross-section. The tip came to me via a former member.
  7. Anja, I guess I'm still puzzled... both sides look great. Even pointed out, it's not really noticeable.
  8. Grant, The SF wouldn't have futtock staves. The SF was before they became common practice.
  9. Michael, You may have loaded them in sequence but it looks like you didn't click the "post" on each picture. When you do that, they will show in the order you clicked them. Lovely work on the galleries. As I recall, they were a bear to do.
  10. Hi Ferit, There's an amazing amount of detail you have put into Berlin. I'm in awe of this ship.
  11. Nice work so far, Jan. I'm looking forward to following along.
  12. I know how that "hurt" on breaking things is, Adrieke. I do believe we all do. Hopefully, it's fixable without have to rip out quantities of wood bits and pieces.
  13. Thanks for looking in everyone. We all make mistakes. The problem is, we (and I mean me) don't always learn from them. Jay, I'm currently enamored of Killian's Irish Red... As for small, planes.. I guess it's going to be an order to Lee Valley. Now to check the spendable cash situation and decide... Here's just a short update: I only need 4 pumps, but milled 6 just in case. I love the repeatability of the mill. I doubt if I could 2 looking exactly alike, much less 6, doing them by hand. The one to the extreme left, that red spot.. yep.. it's my contribution to the ship. I'm setting up the lathe now to drill the hole in the end nearest the camera and also to turn down the grooves for the iron straps and also the lower end that needs to fit through the round holes in the main mast partner.
  14. Giorgos, And here we all thought you were just a speed builder.. :P That is some seriously good work you've done her and thanks for taking the time to put it on MSW.
  15. Lovely work, Snowmans. Very precise and clean. And I'm with the others on the wood colors. Beautiful.
  16. By my count there already are more than 6... From his sig: Trawler Syborn - scratch build Billings AmericA 1:72 U.S.S. United States 1:96 - Revell plastic / wood bash Billings Gothenborg 1:100 This doesn't include the lobster twins or the Half-moon. So.. 7 total not counting any aircraft. Must be one huge building table. Maybe the encouragement from Robbyn will kick the number to a nice even dozen?
  17. Robbyn, The rigging plan should give you some idea of "how high". On some ships, the top shrounds lower deadeyes were secured to the lower shrouds and then ratlines run in those. (I hope that makes sense). In which case, the ratlines didn't have to go more than one line above the securing point.
  18. Thank you for the kind words, Aldo and Paddy. It really was a fun project. So much fun, I'm thinking of doing another one at some point.
  19. Hi Borge, Just checking in and read that the elbow is getting better. Excellent!!! Hopefully, you can be patient a little while longer.
  20. Toni, Lovely work. Took me a bit to find that gap.... Very precise work.
  21. Daniel, I can truly say that I'm speechless. For some reason, your work removes the power of speech. Wow!
  22. Aldo, Insanity and bravery are in the eyes of the beholder. Hmm... let's do a quick look around and see who's watching, shall we? I guess we're not insane after all and neither is anyone else here. I'm glad we got that settled.
  23. Looks like you're all set Anthony. I take it you won't be tempted to start working on her while the glue is drying on the Vic? Not like some people around here....
  24. Ah, you've discovered one of the banes of our hobby... the macro lens. Seriously, we are our own worst critics and the macro does us no favors. You're planking is looking pretty good and the treenails are the frosting on the cake.
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