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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Larry, Looks sharp. Very nicely done. Hmm... going to add to the stern and bow of the cross-section?
  2. Simply put, kits from ZHL are banned from MSW. Read here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/181-banned-kit-manufacturers-on-msw/
  3. Tex... look here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/540-how-to-add-pictures-in-your-posts-and-pms/ that should help with the tech stuff.
  4. John, I knew it was small.... but not that small. The size makes the work you've put into her even more impressive. Hmm.... I'm repeating what everyone else is saying. But I'll let it stand. This is one fantastic build.
  5. Dang it.. Sjors beat me to the seat next to the popcorn machine... Anyway, looking forward to seeing your build of the CW.
  6. Kevin, Don't sweat the time log or the reference for the sails. That's a pretty good article on setting the sails.
  7. Around here... any and all awards are 'prestigous". Kind of like "deluxe" on a box of macaroni and cheese. :P Congrats Captain Augie!!! Here's a 3 gun salute (not firing cotton balls)!
  8. Tex, You got that tryworks article from MSW. It's in the furniture section. He did his build logs on DDM and also here. I haven't seen him back here yet but then again, I might have missed him He did a fantastic job on his build.
  9. Grant, Get well first. The ship is minor compared to health. Besides, there's a 95% chance that whatever you do while on the meds, you'll find you have to redo once you're off them.
  10. Mobbsie, One way to do it is to put PVA on the plank. Put a tiny drop of CA on the hull about where the ends of the plank will go. Install the plank and hold for a few seconds. The CA will immediately cure out due to the moisture of the PVA. But.. it is a "quick" process. I've done this but only used the CA at the end "around the bend"... the longer part I push into position and then work the plank around. The last thing pressed into position is the end with the CA.
  11. Here I am thinking the first one was work of art and suddenly.... an improved work of art. Yikes!!!
  12. Excellent work on the joinery. I've learned from my experience to just plank the whole deck.. hides all the sins. Yours has no sins.
  13. One thing we do have to remember... the men who built and manned them were practical. They might have stern chaser and bow chaser ports but since those were seldom used, they probably wouldn't have gone to the expense of putting cannon there. A look at other ships with those seems to bear that out. As for having a bad day... meeting a 74 gunner in a brig would be one.
  14. Augie... I finally caught up. The only thing I say about groundhog is that in some parts that means "sausage".... The tiller ropes are controversial to say the least. As I recall, the Niagara builders have the same issue. Do it your way since it can't be proven one way or the other. It's possible the tiller ropes were dropped if the stern chasers needed to be used. But since these were generally useless anyway it's probable the cannon weren't there and the two rearmost were moved there when needed... or... hmm.. or what? Just doesn't make sense to have two cannon that are basically useless..
  15. Looking good on the gunports, Sjors. Wayne, I think hit on the perfect ratline.
  16. Mobbsie, What Grant asked, I'm curious too. Difference between him and I is that I use PVA.
  17. Your weathering is paying off. Looks like wood with real wear and tear.
  18. Denis, I think the handrails work. A nice touch that I'd leave in place. Bill has a valid point on these. It's your ship and your the Captain.
  19. Lovely work and wonderful carvings, Robert. I love the story about the bones hanging...
  20. Nice sanding tool and great tip. You've done a great job on the Triton and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
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