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It's always a big pleasure to look at your work, Johann, and especially how you create it.


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...





Ed and Carl,

thanks for the nice compliments and

all others for the LIKES.

The floors of tops at La Creole consist of grätings.
Here I show some pictures of the production.
Furthermore I show how I make the frames for the tops.





I love the precision in which you work.......fine craftsmanship indeed.



Current build:

Build log: https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25382-glory-of-the-seas-medium-clipper-1869-by-rwiederrich-196



Finished build:

Build log: of 1/128th Great Republic: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/13740-great-republic-by-rwiederrich-four-masted-extreme-clipper-1853/#


Current build(On hold):

Build log: 1/96  Donald McKay:http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4522-donald-mckay-medium-clipper-by-rwiederrich-1855/


Completed build:  http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/475-196-cutty-sark-plastic/

The LORD said, "See, I have set (them) aside...with skills of all kinds, to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver, and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts."


U N R E A L !!!

How is it possible to get such a small threaded rod and nut ???  You must be some kind of magician, Johann!


Of course, when I look at the rest of your work I can see you really are a magician!




I cut it twice . . . . . and it's still too short!



HMS Leopard 1790; scratch build 1:80 PoB

Cross Section - HMS Leopard 1790 - 1:44         






I would be hard put to get that stanchion post any where near reasonable, but you add a thread and nut!!! Such sublime detail ... Lovely work


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...




meanwhile, I have completed the assembly of the top of the main mast.

On the first picture all parts to see.

The second picture shows how to make holes with the 0.3 mm drill.

On the last picture the mounted top can be seen.





Johann wonderful precision on the fits of the grating to the frame, nice saw work as well.



Current builds  Bristol Pilot Cutter 1:8;      Skipjack 19 foot Launch 1:8;       Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 1:8

Other projects  Pilot Cutter 1:500 ;   Maria, 1:2  Now just a memory    

Future model Gill Smith Catboat Pauline 1:8

Finished projects  A Bassett Lowke steamship Albertic 1:100  


Anything you can imagine is possible, when you put your mind to it.



Many thanks for your interesst und the LIKES.


Here is my interpretation of the Bolsters on the trestle trees.
This gives an optimal support for the shrouds.


Thanks to Dirk @Dubz for this. He gave the decisive hint.DSC03528_wett.jpg.713c5c71dfcb16ae6d1a124167e78eab.jpg

And here we continue with the top for the foremast.
The following two pictures show the basic structure of a top.



Lovely work as ever, Johann. The cutting of the edge strips for the gratings is impressive.

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv



Thank you for the kind words.


And here, continue with the report:


The Grätings for the top of the foremast are ready for installation.


Fitting in the frame is very carefully carried out.

The size difference between the tops of the foremast and the mainmast can be seen here.DSC03534_wett.jpg.b7c1611abe801e12ee90be955ec1f189.jpgDSC03538_wett.jpg.b915dc96d7bdd661710a1754bb6363f4.jpg


When I look at the differences it does look minimal, but in real size it must be quite big. It is nice to see that even at this scale you establish such a visible difference, and such crisp details!!! Wunderbar!




"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...


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