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James H

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Posts posted by James H

  1. Just to let you all know, Vanguard Models has now made TEN more kits of Sphinx available. 


    Chris is just waiting for some thin pear sheet to arrive from Germany, then he can add the last parts to these kits before a proper restock. Any Sphinx kits ordered in the next week or so will be dispatched the week commencing 29th August '22. 


    This will let those that are thinking about buying the kit while the VM Summer Sale is still on, to get one so they don't miss out while the kit would normally be out of stock.


    If you're thinking about a Sphinx, time to get in there whilst there's a £70 sale reduction!






  2. 7 hours ago, allanyed said:

    Looks like a home run Chris!!


    I understand there were exceptions, not to mention that many folks don't even care about such details, so I hope you don't mind me bringing this up.  One thing that struck me as unusual is the name on the counter.  Names on the counter were a no-no per Admiralty edict except between 1780 and 1790 most of which time they were to be no more than 12 inches high.   The Sheppard colored engraving from 1797 shows her with no name.    https://www.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/rmgc-object-109649

    Do you know if she was perhaps exempt from the Admiralty's rule?

    Regardless, I am sure she will be a lovely kit.   





    I think this was already discussed here, again, by yourself:


  3. This is only a mini-update as I've been away on holiday. This shows the hull up to completion of second planking, but I have started on sanding this smooth, which will be seen in next update when I've added the wales and done some other stuff.


    The plan will give a position below each gun port, where a mark will be added. It's here that a plank will be run, from stem to stern. It also gives a nice reference to the upper wale strake which will lie directly over the top.








    The hull is now sheathed in pear. Sanding begins.


  4. 39 minutes ago, Rik Thistle said:



    My initial post wasn't a 'complaint' .... it was more of a detailed  heads-up for future reference for MSW Admin. Apologies if it was seen as such.


    As always, I think MSW is an amazing safe harbour - thank you.


    Regarding alerting folks (eg me) who refuse to allow 'social media' apps on their devices, how about an 'Announcements' heading on the NRG website ( https://thenrg.org/journal )  ...I don't think NRG use the same server as MSW since I'm sure I had a look on NRG for info when MSW was down.









    Thankfully, that wouldn't involve me updating it, as I have zero to do with the NRG site 😁

  5. 16 hours ago, Mr Johnty said:

    Hi All.

    Thanks for the great advice im sure i will be calling on a few of you for help on my maiden voyage.



    I'm sure you'll be just fine with that kit. We don't even know if you've been a modeller in some other form before. My first kit was an AL San Francisco....a lit which doubtless I'd be told is too hard for a first build, but here I am 20yrs on. AND....I'm still full of bad habits. Just enjoy your build.

  6. On 7/26/2022 at 10:59 AM, wefalck said:

    Too bad, if you are not on FaceBook and are wondering what is going on ...

     You tend to find that someone who is not on Facebook will rarely use any other social media platform, generally. 


    Social media is really the only way we can communicate that we are down. We can't send out 42k emails to tell our members as our mail server would also be un-operational. 


    We could, theoretically, open a Blog page which we can use for service updates in such eventualities, but again, it's just something else for me to do, plus our downtime is so rare that if it happens, it's not worth the effort. 

  7. 2 hours ago, hollowneck said:

    Yep. I, for one, would not like higher latency; "tech talk" for the "go slows." No, Thanks.


    One of the reasons (IMHO) that MSW is so popular is that it is extremely fast - partly owing to a minimum of ads (and rollover nonsense). The small banner ads from our sponsors take only a miniscule amount of data. The ability of members to post large graphics files (build logs, gallery, etc.) is key; the email server on the forum is nice icing on our tasty cake.


    Going without our FREE forum for such a short period of time is a good reminder of its value.


    We also use SSD drives, so not the spinny, slower things. Read/write access times are much faster. We also have a fast CPU and loads of RAM so queries on our database (anything a member does on MSW) don't slow us down. A nice fast data pipe out of Chicago also helps.

  8. 8 hours ago, Robp1025 said:

    Could you not migrate the dns to be cloud based with some fail safes in EU and USA so the site doesn't go down but just has higher latency??? Sorry IT nerd here and AWS system admin 😅😅😅

    A higher latency is really not what we want. We've had higher latency before, and it just frustrates folk.


    We are actually using a cloud proxy, as you've seen, so there's a bulwark between the site and the outside world. We've also used globally distributed DNS providers before, with minimal success. To be fair, our downtime is so rare (and our connection speed so good), that implementing other things really isn't worth it. If you count the site downtime since 2013 (and even before), you'd see we're pretty good.

  9. 11 hours ago, realworkingsailor said:

    Out of simple curiosity, is there another way to notify the MSW membership of an outage outside of Facebook?

    I’m sure there are more than a few members (myself included) that want nothing to do with that site.


    Can another method be setup? (“Sign up here to receive email notifications”?). Rather than pestering the hard working admins with countless messages asking the same question.


    MSW's email server is tied into MSW. When MSW went down, then no one can send or receive mail via the site. 

  10. 18 hours ago, Mr Johnty said:

    Hi From Bury in Lancashire.

    Very new to boat building ie never done one before i Had RC cars a few years ago.

    So i went stright in at the deep end and bought my self rather nice Occre Ulises Tug 1:30 only opend the box this weekend.

    Looking forward to starting it not sure if it is a little bit to big a job for my first go time will tell. Im getting a little ahead of my self thinking about colours already lol.

    Does anyone have any opinions good or bad on the Ulises?



    You shouldn't have too much trouble with that kit. Just take your time and ask questions. We do have a gallery of her here.


    I see you only live 10-15 miles from me too, so good to see another local!



  11. 7 minutes ago, Peanut6 said:

    Got the same here in Indiana, immediately reminded of the great crash.  I hoped it was nothing more than a down server and nothing would be lost, looks like wish came true. 

    Not similar in the slightest, thankfully. 2013 was a hardware failure. This problem isn't even related to our server, but a service which our host is provided with via a 3rd party, affecting some server cabinets. 


    No data is involved.


    As an aside, MSW has backups on separate drives to the one we primarily use. We were supposed to have had that in 2013, but our host failed to set it up. 

  12. It's not an issue with MSW, per se, but with an assigned block of IP numbers that isn't specific to our server.


    Our host is trying to get this sorted with the company that they use for this purpose, and it's taking time. The site may appear, then disappear. 


    Unfortunately for MSW admin, we are powerless to do anything. We just have to wait for the issues between the two companies, to be resolved.

  13. 15 minutes ago, aydingocer said:


    Photo 158: I didn't touch here... yet. I am sure there is a reason the bulkhead extends below that notch. Future steps will show what to do with it.


    That is where the pear keel plugs in.


    15 minutes ago, aydingocer said:




    I'm a little concerned that you've sanded the MDF central keel to a point at the prow and going around the underside. That should've been a flat face which is part of there the prow glues. The planks would've butted up to the side of in and been sanded, leaving that flat face for a glue surface.


    Screenshot 2022-07-11 at 19.47.03.png



  14. 3 minutes ago, aydingocer said:

    By the way here in the text it reads part #59 for marking the paint border but in the photo it is clearly the part #60 (which actually makes more sense, as that's the backward facing surface of the Forward Gundeck Cabin wall) A small error to correct in the online manual.




    I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's obvious that it's part 60 when you are working on the model. I write all this away from the bench session with about 6 different files open, switching between them. The occasional thing will slip through the proof, but they won't cause any problem. We probably spend more time on manuals than anyone else, so you'll have to forgive little things like this.

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