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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Definitely an outstanding model Frank! The flags set her off nicely!
  2. Congratulations on reaching this milestone Ulises. Well done. Now the real fun begins?
  3. I like the final solution that you came up with for the canvas-covers Tom. She's looking better all the time.
  4. Until you find "just one more little detail" to add to her Dennis! Those boys will love it!
  5. It's hard to make anything decisive out of the photos in the plans, but if it were me, I think I'd solder the strop, or drill a hole for both ends of the strop, for the deadeye right onto the chainplate.
  6. Amazingly clean and precise as usual Ed! Beautiful!!
  7. Congratulations! Very nice John! It makes for an excellent display!
  8. Very nice work Ken. I can foresee using your techniques for the gun-deck and main-hatchway construction when I get to mine, - if you don't mind of course. On a side-note, do you know of a soldering station that will work for the Weller W100P-3? So far I've only been able to find the 40 W variable ones, or will that work for lower-power jobs using the 100 W iron?
  9. Looks like you must have worn him out, and he's going to take a nap now, after removing the optivisors.
  10. They turned out good Mike, despite their small size. Nice work!
  11. That part looks like it was a nightmare to build, but it seems you've got a handle on it. Nice work Keith!
  12. Those are some really great pics of her Pat! Nice idea with Cook's map on the base!
  13. Really beautiful work Gaetan! The photography is mind-blowing!
  14. Her Majesty looks mighty proud setting in her stand Nenad!
  15. Thanks Henry. Never heard that term used before. You're a wealth of knowledge sir! Thanks again!
  16. Sounds like a lot of research going on Henry. Question - What does the term "marled down" mean? Roll On
  17. All those "fiddly bits" are turning out nice Piet. Well worth the extra effort!
  18. You've got your workshop fixed up real nice Dave. Complete with the all-important fridge for your favorite beverage. Very cool! Nice work with the carvings!
  19. Well I DID say "almost". That'll make a beautiful stand base!
  20. Wow! It's almost a shame to cover that grain up with a ship!
  21. Very nice Frank! Finishing touch?
  22. Sorry to hear that Dave! I know it's tough losing a pet. Been there all too many times myself.
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