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Everything posted by BobG

  1. The planking is very beautiful and very unusual. Was this method of planking actually used on the original boats?
  2. Beautiful model, Tom. What are the dimensions?
  3. My wife has been saying that to me about many of the things I get enamored with for many years. I just got another guitar and she reminded me that I now have 6! Will the Winnie take over the place on the mantel that is currently occupied by the Calypso at your house?
  4. Same to you, Glenn. Hopefully, we'll all get vaccinated soon and finally crush this virus. Have a safe and Happy Holiday season.
  5. Fantastic model with wonderful craftsmanship! Congratulations!
  6. This is a wonderful model, Maurino. I love this small, fishing vessels.
  7. Joe, take a look at this tutorial about making sails by Tomculb in his Spray build log: https://modelshipworld.com/topic/22778-spray-by-tomculb-bluejacket-shipcrafters-⅜”-to-1’/?do=findComment&comment=774261
  8. Those are wonderful sails, Tom, and your sail making tutorial is excellent too. I had no clue as to how to make sails without using a sewing machine which, like you, I know nothing about using a sewing machine. When I decide to make some sails, I'll use your method. Thanks!
  9. Fantastic in every way, BE. This is one of the best build logs I have ever read! I hope you poured yourself a pint and found a yourself a nice, comfortable chair to sit in while you were reading!
  10. Like Bruce said, starting a build log of this model would be great, Mike. We don't see these models very often here and I'm sure there would be a good amount on interest in your build. Good luck!
  11. Absolutely wonderful work, Glenn! Your attention to detail is going to make this model very special indeed.
  12. Beautiful model and a excellent build log, Matus! I've enjoyed following your build and your wilderness adventures very much. I predict that the birth of your son will be the start of the most wonderful journey of your life. I know it was for my wife and I. Congratulations and best wishes on your new adventure. I hope we will see you back here building another fine model sometime in the future.
  13. This is spectacular model and display! Congratulations on a stunningly beautiful model, Mike.
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