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Everything posted by BobG

  1. I'm pulling up a chair to follow this interesting build.
  2. I've had good luck with gluing small, broken pieces back on by using just a tiny dab of medium viscosity CA. I've been able to glue pieces like that and even been able to sand them afterwards. Just sand gently if you need to sand the glued on piece.
  3. Hello John, others have given you a lot of good advice about your concerns and it's easy to see just how helpful the forum members are here on MSW. I read the forum for several years before I finally took the plunge and actually began participating and, even then, it took some coaxing from others before I finally opened a build log on my Medway Longboat half way through the build. It was a great experience to not only share what I was doing, mistakes and all, but also to get lots of positive feedback which kept me motivated. I had never done any rigging before and I was hesitant to start it since it seemed so complicated. I received a lot of good advice and encouragement and it ended up being my favorite part of the build. Of course, most of the interactions I had at that time were with other Medway Longboat builders but I also posted questions about rigging and various techniques etc in other forum areas specific to certain topics. I got lots of good advice that way also. I'm always appreciative of the advice and complements I get and I enjoy letting others know how appreciative I am. Like Chuck has mentioned, it's a back and forth thing and, before you know it, you've made friends while learning a lot and being complimentary in the process. My problem now is that I seem to spend more time reading and posting than I do working on my current build! Good luck on your build and remember to take it slow and enjoy the journey...
  4. You can use small machinists squares and blocks or even large Lego blocks to help you keep the bulkheads square to the false keel. Find some of the other whaleboat build logs on the forum and read through them and you will probably see various ways people squared up the bulkheads. You'll find good images of that process on most build logs of many different boats and ships.
  5. Hello Fentone and welcome to MSW. You made a good choice by starting with a smaller model instead of a big, complicated model. I have not built this particular model by Artesania Latina but I have built the Saint Malo and am working on the Pen Duick. My experience has been that the AL instructions are not all that good so you may run into steps that are confusing or even entirely left out. That's where asking questions here on the forum can be of great assistance in helping you get through the difficulties that you most likely will encounter. Problem solving and correcting mistakes is a big part of this wonderful hobby. Please note that you will get a lot of varying opinions about how to do things which is fine. We all find ways that work best for us and you will as well. I prefer to use a #11 blade with an exacto type handle over a scalpel for the majority of my cutting with a knife. The scalpel is too thin for my liking when doing heavier cutting. Also, use multiple, lighter, cutting strokes rather than pressing hard. This will help prevent breaking pieces and will help you stay on line when cutting. You really only need to sand off the laser char if it is somewhere that you do not want it to be seen. It really won't affect the strength of your glue bonds. That said, if the char is particularly heavy and dusty, you can sand it lightly to get a better fit and bond. Take it slow and enjoy each step of your build. Good luck!
  6. Fantastic work, Gary. This is some of the most realistic detailing and weathering I have ever seen. I'm going to have to study your build log and hope that I can do half as well some day.
  7. I just looked at your amazing models again, Sam. They are the best Coast Guard models I've ever seen on this website. I would love to see some additional photos of your models without the glass case around them if that would be possible. I don't think the photos taken through the glass do them justice. The details and authenticity of your models looks amazing and I sure would like to see more detailed photos of them.
  8. Hi Paul, I was in the Coast Guard from 1966-1970. I was aboard the Storis from March of '66 to September of '67 tumbling around the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska. I spent the rest of my time at the Captain of the Port Los Angeles/Long Beach Station as a boat coxswain and engineman on the 40 footers there. The two I remember the most were the steel 40414 with the twin 6-71 Cummins diesel engines and the new fiberglass hull 40603 that had twin Cummins V-8 turbo-charged diesels that smoked like crazy. That boat was crazy fast and we loved taking it to the limit. There was a 30 footer at the station also. I just took a look at your Lobster Boat build and it looks great especially considering it's your first build. Nice job!
  9. You're moving right along, Grant. I think it's a good idea to drill the nail holes as you lay the planks down. You could even go ahead and add the black monofilament to the holes too. I did it all at once after the hull was completely planked and, man, it was a tedious, repetitive job that got old quick! It was my least favorite part of the build. Doing it little by little would have been much better.
  10. Beautiful model! Well done! I saw your photos in the gallery and just scanned through your build log and will go back and study it closer. I love these small, working vessels. Your weathering is wonderful and I've never seen some of the techniques that you have used. Your build log will be a great resource for me.
  11. I have always loved the yacht America. This is a very impressive build of an advanced model and your craftsmanship is outstanding. Congratulations, Gary, I hope to see you complete this beautiful model.
  12. Just got caught up on your build and she's looking great! I have this model on the shelf. It was the first model I was really attracted to. I'm sure I'll be referencing your build when I get around to building the POB.
  13. Thanks, Glenn. I'm really doing just fine. So many have lost so much recently with the wildfires and and Covid-19. I'm grateful to be so fortunate as to be able to enjoy my hobbies instead of wondering how I will pay my bills or rebuild my house or struggle to breathe. We are living in challenging times and I hope that things will get better for those who need it the most.
  14. Thanks vaddoc. I've been staying busy with other interests of mine lately. I was focusing solely on ship modeling for quite a while and got completely away from playing my guitar and photography etc. I especially missed playing my guitar and I'm getting back into the groove of it now. The air quality in northern California has improved as the wildfires have slowed down so I've been able to ride my bike again too. I've also been doing a lot of yard work and have been switching my container garden over from warm weather vegetables to the cool season fall and winter vegetables. I'll be back working on my Pen Duick pretty soon. It's a lovely model and, yes, the gaff sail rigging is confusing but I'll figure it out...at least I think I will! Be safe as well my friend.
  15. Those are beautiful models, Sam! I'm a Coast Guard veteran and we don't often see any Coast Guard models here on MSW. It's really great to see your work. I was stationed aboard the USCGC Storis WAGB-38 out of Kodiak, Alaska, in 1966 and 1967. I also spent 2 1/2 years on several 40 footers while stationed at the Captain of the Port Los Angeles/Long Beach Station. I don't have the skills to scratch build yet but I'd love to build a model of the Storis someday. I have also been thinking about buying one of the old Dumas 40 foot utility boat models that they used to make for RC. That model is out of production but they can still be found on eBay occasionally and Dumas may even have a few sitting around. Welcome to MSW and thanks for sharing your wonderful models with us.
  16. I recently bought that book. It's excellent.
  17. Thanks very much, Bob. I got a Kindle version of the Gaff Rig Handbook. How to rig the gaff peak halyard on my Pen Duick has been driving me crazy since the Artesania Latina plans and instructions for it are useless. I will look into the other sources you listed also. Thanks again...much appreciated.
  18. You have built a beautiful model, Hugo. Congratulations! It's a lovely boat and I just may have to build it someday also. You might want to take a look at the Vanguard Models designed by Chris Watton. His fishing vessels would be a great next step but you could probably do well with any of his models since the instructions and materials are so good and there a lot of excellent build logs here to refer to. I have the Lady Isabella and the Flirt in my stash and I look forward to building them. Another model with great materials and instructions would be the Medway Longboat from Syren Ship Modeling Company and designed by Chuck Passaro who is one of the forum administrators here on MSW. It was my third model and it was quite challenging for me but I learned a lot building it. Is was my pleasure to follow your build, Hugo. I'm sure my wife and I will return to Spain when it is safe to do so. I need to work on my very limited Spanish in the meantime. My wife speaks Spanish quite well though. I also play the guitar and I have recently been trying to teach myself flamenco guitar. It is very challenging but I love it. I would love to spend an extended period of time in Spain studying Spanish and flamenco guitar. I look foreword to seeing what you will build next. Good luck!
  19. The diagrams are excellent, Bob. What was your source for them?
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