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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Aye, thank the Dear, yer foosbal season be over and we all can enjoy yer scribblins in the sweet Connie. I canna wait to see what else may spring forth from yer fertile (?) imagination. I do like the great cabin's start.
  2. Well done, Mike. your hull can't be anything but beautiful, thanks to all the work you've put in so far.
  3. Plaster can be glued. I've used it on some Hydrocal cast buildings. Hydrocal is a super hard plaster, but it can break if not handled properly. Old model railroaders used it as a bottom layer when doing layout landscaping. They'd put molding plaster on top, since that plaster was easier to work with, due to it's softness.
  4. Brian, what gauge is that syringe? Mine has too wide a bore and is sometimes a pain to use.
  5. Thanks for the likes, folks. And David, I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the idea.
  6. I've been a fan of the Brown Water Navy and the combat along the various rivers during the "late Unpleasantness" known as the Civil War. The boats were mostly paddle wheel or stern wheel. Some of the US Navy ships, like Farragut's USS Hartford, were screw powered, but they couldn't navigate in the shallower waters inland. Check this site for some more info: http://users.wowway.com/~jenkins/ironclads/ironclad.htm Some of his links may be dead, but it's a start for getting to some basics.
  7. Holy moly, almost a month since the last update. I wish I was doing some useful stuff, but.... I dd get a few parts glued up, like the bow, paddlewheel housing skeletons and the lookout platforms that go on top of the paddle wheels. I've got a compass with a knife blade to cut the larger circles, but anything under about 3/8" 10mm is out. I'm looking for some small metal templates, as suggested by Mark, to make those smooth circular cuts. The hull skinning continues at a snail's pace. The glue tabs need some trimming to fit around the bulkheads. The stern piece is a bear, since it is more like a half of a hemisphere, curving in 3 dimensions. And its about a half inch across and 1/4" high. A tad tough for my meat hooks to fold crisply and emplace. Thanks for reading.
  8. Ben, you might try to contact the Iron Shipwrights folks for replacement deck and pilot houses. I understand they're pretty responsive to such requests. As far as the holes in the hull, fill them with baking soda and put a drop of CA on each spot. Sets up hard in time, so you should smooth them a few minutes after you apply the CA. Carefully check the box; the broken bulwark may be laying in the debris. If so, just CA it in place and sand smooth. Good luck with your build! Now I have Gordon Lightfoot's haunting tune running around in my brain.
  9. Cap'n, your sails look great. They capture the weather-worn look quite nicely.
  10. Get a organic solvents breathing mask. I use one when painting or using some glues, like superglue or contact cement. Get them at your favorite home supply place. Replace cartridges as shown in their instructions. And vent your work space/shop. Something as simple as a box fan should do unless you're using the stuff to clean car parts. Large volumes of the solvent - do it outside the house for peace inside the house. Don't tick off the Admiral!
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