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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Jerry, I'd check out "Arming the Fleet", from the Naval Institute Press. I'm not at home or I'd check my copy for you.
  2. Jazzchip, I agree with you about that website. I like to check it out occasionally to see if anything new is in the works. We have a pretty good library where I live, so I usually start with them.
  3. Just started reading Parkinson, seems pretty good. Dewey Lambdin's books are pretty good, too. And I heartily recommend any of Stockwin's, Kent's, O'Brian's and Forester's books, too.
  4. Dr Per, thanks for this review. Looking forward to the other review and tutorial.
  5. Jonny, the longboat is looking good. Nice tight planking. Well done. Wow. Lily is getting big now. My shepherd/healer mix has a few squeak toys he's accumulated, too. They must like to make noise without barking, for some strange dog reason. And I don't understand why folks dress up their pups in silly costumes. We once put a coat on one of our dogs (wintertime in the Northeast US is c-c-c-cold). She pulled a Houdini and got out of the coat, although I think her companion may have had something to do with the transition.
  6. George, shop around. You could save a little. Been looking at these myself. Minicasting andDiscount Campus are around $105 US and the Mikes Tooling about $110. http://www.minicastings.com/acatalog/SHL-3750.html http://www.discountcampus.com/store/sherlineacc.htm#mill http://www.mikestools.com/3750-Sherline-Tilting-Angle-Table.aspx
  7. Julie, I've used pin or brad nailers building bench work/track supports in model railroading, but I think you'll get way too much tear out in the bulkheads, frames and planking we use in model shipbuilding. The air pressure you use with these slams the pin into the wood. If you have to realign your wood, it could splinter on you. I'd use a hand tool, like needle nose pliers or the tool I saw in the MicroMark catalog,(http://www.micromark.com/pin-insertion-plier,10735.html) to push pins in.
  8. I bought some items from a Canadian firm a while back. They sat in Chicago for 2 weeks. The actual transit time was 1 day in Ontario and 2 days from Chicago to western NC.
  9. Nicely done, Adam. Tools need to become extensions of our hands, so we don't have to continuously think about them.
  10. Coming in hot. I'll settle for a seat in the next row back! Paging Sjors for the popcorn machine. An adult libation, anyone? I've got some Oktoberfest.
  11. OK, who took pictures and wants to dazzle the rest of us? The whole (model ship) world wonders?
  12. Yeah, lets. I have some of my model RR stuff, which is mostly wood and card. It's just not ships.
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