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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. You won't normally see me liking every new build log update on the forum, but I do try to check in on each of them periodically. When you see me post a like, it means I've read the previous posts as well.
  2. Gotta say it -- "form follows function", but darned if I can figure out the function of that rig! 🤔 But regardless, your model is looking great!
  3. Dad gummit! This happened last time. Stupid Google Photos! 🤬 Fixed now. It was showing up on my computer at work. Go figure.
  4. Hey, I forgot to add a shot of the name plate, also added back in December. Swivel guns should (hopefully) be on the way soon, after which I will post a set of final photos. Cheers!
  5. Welcome aboard! That is some fine workmanship on display. Cheers!
  6. Niels, a couple of issues: 1. It's not necessary to create a separate post for each photo. You may add multiple photos to a single post. 2. Your photos are not displaying. We don't recommend using third-party image hosting sites. We regularly have problems with such sites when they go out of business or members don't renew their subscriptions. We strongly advise members to upload their photos to the site first and then add them to their posts.
  7. Nice to see the 'fragile' label stuck right on the ginormous crease. Hopefully everything inside was packed correctly.
  8. Ugh. One down, thirteen to go. 😑 If you ever see me complaining about card radial engines, this is why!
  9. Sadly, in our hobby, the reason is often that the previous builder expired, and his or her family didn't know what to do with a partially-built kit.
  10. The Shipyard designs, with their multiple skinning layers, are intended to eliminate the typical "starving cow" look sometimes seen in card model hulls.
  11. As one of my college professors used to say, "Sounds like there's a thesis in there."
  12. Welcome aboard! Look here to kick-start your Thermopylae research
  13. Which is why we strongly encourage our members not to use third-party image hosting sites. I hope you were able to make some progress on your model since your last update?
  14. This kit's framing is pretty rudimentary, and I'm skeptical that its stern framing would correspond very well with Mr. Hahn's plans.
  15. Welcome to MSW! The answer to your question depends in part on what medium you wish to work in. Liners in wood are relatively uncommon, except for the ubiquitous Titanic kits. Plastic is another story, but I'm not familiar with what's available. If you are interested in card models, liners are popular subjects in that medium. I can steer you toward some entry-level card kits if you'd like. Cheers!
  16. Okay, mystery solved -- and boy do I feel a little sheepish about the whole episode! It turns out there is no missing disk. Instead, part 34d wraps three times around the top of the cylinder formed by 34c. Derp!!
  17. Trust me, folks, I have pored over the parts sheets and diagrams multiple times, and I have built many radial engines from paper. The indicated part is missing. I will figure out a way around this issue, and when I do, you'll all be the first to know. 😉
  18. Nope. E is the base for the two cylinder heads and fits inside the smaller shaded circle on the un-numbered, missing part.
  19. Nope. 34e is the base for the cylinder heads and is narrower in diameter than the missing part, as indicated by the lighter circle inside the dark ring on the missing piece. Obviously, the head assembly has to sit on something, but the something isn't anywhere to be found in the kit. This is a first for me.
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