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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Those are Spanish roundels. Late last year there were a lot of reports coming out about Spain wanting to purchase 50 F-35s; there were also an equal number of reports that Spain were not interested in buying them. I don't know if they made any final decision.
  2. Welcome aboard! I have no personal knowledge of the MarisStella kits, but the company is well-regarded. Model Shipways also offers a progressive series of kits aimed at beginners, designed by David Antscherl, who is a respected modeler and member of our community. You can check those kits out HERE. BlueJacket Shipcrafters also produces kits for beginners, particularly those who think they might prefer the solid-hull approach to modeling; the owner of that company is likewise a member here. You can browse the BlueJacket offerings HERE in the "Ensign Builders" category. Cheers!
  3. See? Now you've just made me go and question the coloring of every card model I've ever done or will yet do. 😆 Oh, well. That's one of the limitations of the medium -- we are to a degree beholden to the research and creative skills of our kits' designers.* Sure, we can fix a few bits, but making too many changes sorta defeats the purpose of doing card models. *I guess this is true for all kits, isn't it? 🤔
  4. I thought that might be the case, but it was worth a shot. Try looking at these finished builds for visual hints.
  5. I'm going to flag @chris watton on this, as he designed the kit. Usually the bulwark strip is supposed to sit level with the tops of the bulkhead extensions, but I can't state that authoritatively for this kit.
  6. I know, right? But I guess that finding damage control equipment easily in an emergency was considered a higher priority.
  7. 5, 6: Superstructure (cont'd) Whew! All the depth charge cradles are done -- at least the ones on the superstructure! I made a couple of modifications. Originally, each cradle is designed to consist of a tray and a rolled tube. Thinking I would go nuts if I had to roll 38 tubes, I decided instead to make these from 1 mm styrene rod. I made a jig out of scrap wood to get each tube exactly 3 mm long. The other change concerned the color. The prototype model on the cover shows the cradles as either white or light gray -- hard to tell which exactly. The kit provides the tubes in dark blue-gray, and the laser-cut trays are light gray. So which is correct? I decided to scope out some pictures online and, unsurprisingly, the few color photos I found showed the cradles painted the same color as their parent ship. That makes total sense. Since the whole point of painting the ship dark blue-gray is concealment, it seems to me that it would defeat the purpose to paint the cradles a highly contrasting lighter color. So, for this build they all ended up being painted dark blue-gray. Here are the 22 on the starboard side. There are 14 more on the port side. And that finishes off the construction for diagrams 5 and 6. Onward!
  8. 5, 6: Superstructure (cont'd) All of the port-side elements except the depth charge cradles are now in place. This brings the total number of parts added to the superstructure to 153. The depth charge cradles will push that total to 229. 😬
  9. Welcome! Your post title made me instantly think of the musical Camelot -- perhaps that was the intent?
  10. Wow, great collection! They're all nice models, but the weathering on your plastic WWII models is particularly convincing.
  11. I should have done this ages ago. Once again, crappy cell phone camera doesn't begin to show the difference. Top pic shows old lighting setup, bottom pic shows work area under new 4000 lumen LED light. The difference is HUGE in real life!
  12. Correct. The deck should match the curvature of the bulkhead tops all the way out to the edge. Often in this sort of design, the bits of deck between the bulkhead extensions can still flex up or down, creating a bit of undulation fore-to-aft. One way to address that would be to add some appropriately cambered bits of scrap wood on either side of each bulkhead for the deck to adhere to.
  13. There are still plenty of smacks serving as pleasure craft these days, so be sure to do an internet search to get additional ideas for finishes.
  14. We have an entire thread on this topic HERE. Warning: It's long! (As might be expected when soliciting opinions about something as varied as music!)
  15. Yes indeed. I'm working on a WWII destroyer escort, and in pictures of thin-hulled warships one always sees what looks like sagging skin between every single frame. 😬
  16. I would happily take your average Brit weather once our Deep South summer sets in -- not my favorite time of year.
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