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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. AS a person who has work on Subs a good part of his life before getting back into computers I am glad someone is taking the effort to make one from wood. Your doing an excellent job. Keep the pictures coming.
  2. Your doing an excellent job with Blender. Keep us posted whenever you can, I enjoy all builders that are using whatever CAD program they chose. Keep the pictures coming.
  3. Excellent lathe work. Your really doing so fine work, this is something you are going to be proud off when she is finished. Also she is one big long ship, do you have a place to show it off at?
  4. Beautiful work on the gratings. The tree nail work came out excellent. Your on your way to a scratch build I can see it now. Keep the pictures coming.
  5. themadchemist, thanks for the link. That must have been a heck of a lot of time and effort that he put into all the carving, the man has a lot of skill.
  6. This is a nice idea. Thanks for the tip.
  7. Beautiful work. I am enjoying this build very much. I like the way that you are showing the pictures. Keep the pictures coming.
  8. Beautiful work. I have watch other build for this ship and everyone seems to have the same problems, and all almost have a different way of getting around them. Keep the pictures coming.
  9. Your doing an excellent job, it all takes time. As you go along you will notice how things look and what things will look like as your build gets further in the framing stage. I also agree with Allan about the stern timbers, wait until you are more into the framing stage. Best of luck with the build. Keep the pictures coming.
  10. Maurys, Thanks for the tip. it is a very simple way of doing this now. I am surprise I never seen anything posted before as a tip about this. But I am glad that you did post this.
  11. Bob and Chuck, I wish to Thank both of your for the more advance tutorial and presentation ( I think it was the presentation that did it ) on planking this way. Chuck I had talk with you some about this the last time I saw you but we never got to finish the talk, now this has finished what I was not able to go over with you. Thanks for the help, both of you.
  12. Karl I wish to Thank you for the pictures, I have seen them before but never save them ( this time I made sure I did ). The man is a Master Ship Builder. Doris, I also still have a hard time believing that this is card. From your pictures you make it look to easy and as we all know it isn't. You are outstanding in every way with your builds. Thank you for sharing. Keep the pictures coming, I will always be watching.
  13. Bender, The arches look excellent, the PE parts make it stand out with class. Keep the pictures coming.
  14. People are going to find that there are a lot of problems with IE 10, if it updated on you and all of a sudden you can not upload the pictures, then that is the problem you roll back to IE 9 and you should be all right again. I am using Firefox 19.0.2 and I am not having any problems. IE has other problems also, so do yourself a favor and don't update IE. Just my option and 2 cents, before the penny is not more.
  15. I got two of the BB-63 Missouri in 1/192 scale of the sterling model. They are sitting on the shelf and will still be for some time, I have also pick up a lot of the PE parts for one of them. I got one off of Ebay and pay a few bucks for it the other was from one of my club members who past away and they had an auction for the stuff he had in his shop, well I won the second one that way, not sure if I will make it into the BB-62 or just sell it on Ebay or not. Got plenty of time before I have to sit down and think about it.
  16. Bender, As what was already said "Excellent Work" Keep the pictures there are a lot of us watching, this is the second one I have see being done. The first one is finished.
  17. I don't have the one your talking about but I do have the one by Proxxon, which are probably the same but different color. I used it once with the dremel and then got the drill press from Model Expo and use it on that. You just have to get it clamp in so it won't move while you are using it. I would check Ebay first and see if you can get it cheaper before you buy from them, they are over price for there stuff. Also check on Amazon for the Proxxon one and see what the price difference is before you buy, look for the ones that offer free shipping.
  18. There is always hope. Think about it like this, Danny only did kits at one time, just like the rest of us. And now look at where he is, you can do the same, it just takes time and a want to do it. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone talks about them. You are no different than anyone else, you have a brain and know how to use it. Give it time you will get there also.
  19. Robbyn, If and when you use Ebony make sure you wear a mask the dust is big time bad. And try and do any sanding away from the ship the dam dust makes a mess. If you can tape off everything around where you have to sand so none of the dust gets onto any of the other wood, it will go into the pores and make a dam mess of it. Best of luck. Took the other bangers off and it looks like crap but at least the pain is backing off. Got to remember to take the cable for the phone so I can upload a pictures or two of the hand for you.. Keep the pictures coming.
  20. Excellent work Danny. She is getting there little by little. Your eye for detail is outstanding. Keep the pictures coming.
  21. Jeff, Nice work your doing. Doing the carving might be a good idea but you never know until you try it. I say go for it and if it doesn't work out right you can always go to the way Bob did it. Wish you the best of luck no matter which way you go. Keep the pictures coming, I like this ship and love to see how people do theres.
  22. Well it looks like you have everything you need to start. Will be watching to see it being done. Don't forget to post lots of pictures so that everyone can watch this build.
  23. Like Augie said, better to check to make sure you have everything now and if anything is missing contact the company to get what you need before you start.There seems to be a lot of stuff missing, hope it doesn't take that long to get what is missing, you might be better off contacting "OcCre" right off the bat and this way maybe you can get the missing pieces faster then going through the place you bought the kit from ( take out the middle man ). Wish you the best of luck, most company's take care of the customers when this happens.
  24. Danny, The work on the brass and chain pumps are out of this world, you have taken things to a new level. You and Remco, EDT and Gil keep going higher and higher. Keep the pictures coming. I wish I could have been with Gil and seen the ship in person, but I am not sure all my drool marks could have come off and then you might have shot me LOL. Gil is a lucky man to have seen the Vulture in person. I have been lucky to have seen Chuck work in person more than once so I guess I am as lucky as Gil.
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