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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Weel done Robin. I remember making several small partsyears ago and was able to get a hunk of apple. The stuff worked great. Nice close grain and no splitting or cracking. David B
  2. I have done laminating with epoxy many times and rarely had any problems. As for clean up I use mineral sirits for clean up. The advantage once cured is stability and durablility. Carpenters glue is just as messy but also easy clean up.. However doe drying timor curing I have usually gone for a 24 hr rate to ensure proper adhesion. David B
  3. This is turning into a great tutorial Slog. I will be remember your build in case I get a Borodino. Do you teach on the side? David B
  4. I do not wish to hijack this thread which I find terific but why did the Japanese use treadplate for their deck and the German and the Americans used wood for their battleships. David B
  5. Awesome. I love the joinery and the neatness of your work. David B
  6. Magnificent. You did a marvelous a job. Now comes the fun part. The masting and rigging. David B
  7. My advice would be to have a bottle of sctotch sitting next to you when your hands go numb. It will give you fortitude for the upcoming trial of nerves fuzzy vision and a lot of bad words not fit for tender ears or polite company. David B
  8. I have never had good luck using card for caulking. I once tried using a filler applied with a syringe. Not bad but I went back to coloring the ed of the plank.. But at the scale I work in that is all that was needed. David B
  9. Would it be nice to be part of this expedition to actually see history being made. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/80-years-later-polar-explorer-s-sunken-ship-floats-again/ David B
  10. I have heard of silversmiths and tinsmiths and now I have heard of a brasssmith. Well done. David B
  11. I never learned about this in history class at school. I would be interested in the journals or the reports of this fleet. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/when-a-ragtag-group-of-foolhardy-men-took-on-u-boats-with-sailing_ship.html/2 David B
  12. Brian from what I have seen of your hull spiling would bave been extremely important. I once did a model of the Golden Hind. And the hull shape was extremely different than what I was used to. I spent a week lining off the hull to get the proper planking. Almost evey plank had to be shaped. This was done using card templates and a proportional divider. But the effort was orth it. Planking a hull can be considered one of the more difficult parts of modeling. But once mastered you can apply what you have learned to other areas. David B
  13. Looking good Charlie. At first I did not think you could pull off the modification with the supplied hull. But you are doing it. Kudos. I hope you have been wearing a air mask to protect yourself from the sawdust. David B
  14. I am glad you came out okay. I remember getting flooded out years ago when I lived in DesMoines. It was a mess. At least your home came out okay. David B
  15. Instead of nails I have usually used bent T-Pins. drill a starter hole and then insert them. However if the plank has been preshaped it will not need a lot of pressure to hold the plank in place. David B
  16. I have found the Sherine more than adequate. for what I have done. From brass ,wood, to steel. As was stated before it is not designed for heavy production . I remember a rush job where we had to work some steel. However our LeBlond blew something so they asked me to work on it at home. I was able to turn it to shape but the job took awhile. The Leblond had the power where I could hog the material quite a bit to save time. On the Sherline I had to take minot cuts to get the job done. Remember this is a hobby for pleasure. and The tools you use will do the job if you take your time and learn how to use them efficiently. As Tim Allen would say MORE POWER not David B
  17. Some like collets and others prefer a chuck. It depends on personal preference. David B
  18. Your decking looks great. nice and crisp. Did you use chisels to get that clean appearance? David B
  19. The reason is very simple. The cash to keep her up and running. David B
  20. Interesting article. Too bad the US Navy can't do the same thing with some of their historical vessels. https://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/10/07/priority-greek-navy-maintains-reconstruction-ancient-athenian-trireme-hs-olympias-ship-kind-world/ Davd B
  21. Nice prop assembly. How did you make the prop and the blades? David B
  22. Your sails look great. So does the model. David B
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